Similar to how the number pi or Euler's constant e determine mathematics, fundamental natural constants mark the scales of the natural sciences. In contrast to mathematics, the origin of the fundamental natural constants is still a matter of controversy. This book presents a new perspective by means of a few axioms and, by comparing it with experimental data, establishes the resulting truth content. Through the axiomatic approach, the mysterious Sommerfeld fine structure constant and the Dirac cosmic number are defined...
Similar to how the number pi or Euler's constant e determine mathematics, fundamental natural constants mark the scales of the natural sciences. In contrast to mathematics, the origin of the fundamental natural constants is still a matter of controversy. This book presents a new perspective by means of a few axioms and, by comparing it with experimental data, establishes the resulting truth content. Through the axiomatic approach, the mysterious Sommerfeld fine structure constant and the Dirac cosmic number are defined...
The ciliated cells of the respiratory epithelium play an important role in the pulmonary mucociliary clearance mechanisms. Ultrastructural changes in the cilia of these cells can therefore be an expression of pathogenetic processes in the context of respiratory diseases. Against this background, ultrastructural indications of ciliary dyskinesia in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) of different ages and taking into account clinically inapparent pulmonary changes were determined in the present work in order to make a contribution to the validation of common...
The company usually associates certain expectations with the establishment of a corporate foundation: Your foundation should behave in a loyal manner and promote the business interests of the company in an accountable manner. On the other hand, however, it would be problematic for the credibility and thus for the desired social success of a corporate foundation if it were perceived by the public as merely an "extended arm" of an integrated CSR department; the legitimacy as a non-profit organization would...
Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is considered the most dangerous parasitic zoonosis in Central Europe and is caused by the second larval stage of the small fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. In addition to humans, non-human primates can also contract AE, which is characterized by a gradually progressive course of the disease and is usually fatal if left untreated. Due to the increase in spontaneous cases of AE in macaques at the German Primate Center, the changes associated with AE were extensively pathomorphologically...
The book deals with the current topic of consumer protection in the case of a choice-of-law clause in e-commerce. A special focus is placed on the relevant provisions of the Rome I Regulation, which came into force in Germany on December 17th, 2009. A practical example, which is included at the appropriate places, serves to clarify and understand the legal explanations, even for non-lawyers. The relevance of the topic for corporate practice and how to deal with it becomes clear...
Traditionally, trademark rights apply uniformly to the entire protected area for which they are granted. This principle faces new challenges in the case of the community trademark on the territory of the EU. The present thesis examines the conflict between territorially divergent perceptions of traffic in Europe and the scope of an infringement of a community trademark. The author goes into the different offenses and clarifies the relevance of the specific traffic perception. Furthermore, the author deals with the principle...
This anthology by students of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich offers access to the skeptical hermeneutics and the normality of the foreign by Hans Hunfeld from different individual and culture-specific perspectives. They range from hermeneutic self-assurances and cross-cultural studies to extensions to intercultural competence, philosophical basic work and a review of the method in the teaching context to a rich collection of reviews from the past decades and current references to practice, teaching and research. Other essays deal with anxiety at school,...
The focus of this work is the transfer of conventional learning and teaching models or common teaching methods from classroom teaching to the virtual area. In addition to the theoretical examination of this topic, which includes a closer look at the concept of virtuality, a possible form of such a transfer from conventional to virtual learning environments from practice is presented using a case study from the museum sector. The basis for this is the Virtual Museum of Antiquities in...
As one of the hotspots of the world in the last decade of the 1990s the Western Balkans required energetic Western engagement designed primarily to settle the conflicts and then to guide the nations in the region in creating and sustaining democratic political institutions which were expected to cushion intra-national tensions and to serve to the normalization of inter-state relations. However, despite almost two-decade-long Western guidance, assistance and conditionality, as many experts point out, the Western Balkans is still an...
Russia is one of the fastest-growing and major markets in the world and it is even one of the most popular countries for foreign entrants interested in business. There are plenty of options to conduct business in Russia in general and especially in the area of acrylic glass or polycarbonate. Despite this, no concrete study has been conducted so far to determine the most feasible entry mode into the Russian market for a German company producing the aforesaid materials. Using...
It has only been more than a decade since the online games and tourism began to be popular in Europe and America and embarked on the path of industrialization in the 1990s. So far, this industry is flourishing at an alarming rate. However, this is mostly attributed to spontaneous explorations of enterprises rather than the academia, which remains basically blank in this field. Even though there are sporadic research fruits, they are just academic papers. A fairly unified theoretical framework...