The lack of improved water and sanitary infrastructure still kills many people in developing countries each year. This book gives useful insights into how development projects have an impact in practice and why there is a possibility that projects fail to have positive outcomes. In this book, the national water and sanitation program in rural Benin is analyzed. A difference-in-difference analysis is combined with a phasing-in approach to a sample of 200 villages in the departments of Mono, Couffo and...
The monograph is a compilation of my Juris Doctor degree thesis and my Master's in Law degree dissertation. The thesis is a general overview of justice courts and the dissertation is an examination of the adequacy of a search performed by a Federal Agency of the United States government regarding search requests under the Freedom of Information Act . Details Title: A Legal Codex Subtitle: A Law Thesis and a Law Dissertation Author: Dr. Bradley S.Tice Edition: 1st edition Published:...
Chronic kidney disease is a gradual loss of kidney function over time and affects 10% of the population worldwide. One of the common treatment of kidney disease is hemodialysis. Hemodialysis removes waste products and excess fluid from the bloodstream. Intradialytic hypotensive episodes still represent the most frequent complication in dialysis treatments. One major reason that causes hypotensive episodes is the application of a non-adequate net fluid removal rate. This work presents the development of a physiological closed loop system, which...
Three local carrot cultivars from Myanmar and two hybrid cultivars from Germany were investigated for their yield and nutritional quality supplied by mineral or organic fertilizers. Root yield and nutritional qualities were affected by cultivar difference and fertilizer types. Details Title: Agronomic characteristics and nutritional quality of carrot (Daucus carota L.) cultivars from Myanmar and Germany as affected by mineral and organic fertilizers Author: Dr. Le Le Win Edition: 1st edition University: Georg-August University of Göttingen Published: 1st edition 09/20/2010...
This book is dedicated to writing pseudocodes that have been tested using the matlab programming language. These pseudocodes are universal and will be implemented in other programming languages. The book starts with the presentation of elementary algorithms, covers linear algebra and matrix based linear optimization algorithms. The goal of this book is to teach algorithms by giving their standard description and providing a mathematical measure on the research field of dynamic partial reconguration ( DPR ) and FPGA implementation of...
The dissertation will address the concept of a proto-universe that combines a steady state model of universe creation with multiple nucleogenesis events. Based on observable data of many large scale structures found in the universe that are older than the 13.7 billion years given for the big bang model of the birth of the universe. Details Title: An Architecture for an Ur-Universe Subtitle: Sequential Universal Events Author: Dr. Bradley S.Tice Edition: 1st edition University: Northwestern International University Published: 1st edition...
This book studies methods of enhancing both data rates and power efficiencies of analog frontends for high-speed optical communication systems. Performance measures for high-speed broadband circuits and the efficiency of frequency compensation methods are evaluated. Power-efficient speed enhancement such as inductive peaking, feedback and negative Miller Capacitances, as well as the method of inductive broadband output matching are analyzed in detail. New methods for the design of power-efficient high-speed broadband amplifiers are developed. Circuit design examples intended for use in...
Based on phylogenetic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana genomic sequences, uncharacterized fatty acid (FA) hydroxylases were identified. Among them were several cytochrome P450s (CYP). Active site model structures of some CYP enzymes revealed that the hydrophobicity in the heme binding site is very different between enzymes active and inactive towards conversion of FAs. Evidence is given that substrate specificity is conserved among phylogenetically related isoforms of CYP enzymes. Particular residues in the active site pocket play key roles in determining substrate...
Time-continuous stochastic processes have been used in numerous financial market models for decades. In this work, important aspects of application - with regard to the estimation of parameters, evaluation of financial market contracts and recording the efficiency of capital markets - are primarily illustrated using selected examples and then possible solutions or explanations are presented. Details Title: Analysis of Financial Market Models Subtitle: Estimation, Pricing, and Efficiency Author: Dr. Balazs Cserna Edition: 1st edition Published: 1st edition 05.09.2011 Subject: Economics...
The present dissertation is focused on the phylogenetic, biochemical, structural and physiological analysis of the hydratases from Streptococcus pyogenes M49 and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. These hydratases belong to myosin cross-reactive antigen (MCRA) protein family for which knowledge on the biochemical and physiological function is scarce. This study provides the first line of evidence on biological significance of this protein family as ubiquitous bacterial enzymes which metabolize highly toxic unsaturated fatty acids to their less toxic and more soluble hydroxy derivatives....
Infestation with the insect pest is a major problem associated with producing, storing and marketing of grains. Microwave and radio frequency are emerging as safe alternatives to chemical methods, eliminating chemical residue and minimizing the grain damage. The present study was performed to investigate the efficiency of microwave and radio frequency in controlling life stages of Sitophilus zeamais in maize grains with different initial moisture contents at various temperatures and holding times. The results indicated that there is a possibility...
This book presents new techniques that allow the automatic verification and generation of abstract human-style proofs. The core of this approach builds an efficient calculus that works directly by applying definitions, theorems, and axioms, which reduces the size of the underlying proof object by a factor of ten. The calculus is extended by the deep inference paradigm which allows the application of inference rules at arbitrary depth inside logical expressions and provides new proofs that are exponentially shorter and not...