This book is a collection of three essays contributing to the empirical literature on inequality and female labor force participation in developing countries. The first essay is an extension to the analysis of benefit incidence of public expenditures. Using data for Kenya it shows how different household needs for government services ought to be incorporated into the analysis to get an improved understanding of the distributional implications of public spending. The second essay revisits the hypothesis that female labor force...
content The so called “European Migrant Crisis” of 2015 has renewed the attention of European leaders, and especially the German government, for Africa. The ambitious goal of Germany's "Marshall Plan for Africa" is to support private sector activity on the continent and ultimately reduce unwanted migration to Europe. This book offers a review of the “economic development against migration” narrative with a focus on Germany. Starting out from a macro-perspective it first looks at the general relationship between foreign direct...
From the original 19th-century philosophical, scientific and literary texts, we have seen how the first professional female novelists under Queen Victoria's tutelage have succeeded in shaping readers' minds. This research focuses on Victorian prose that has either won the esteem of its contemporary audience and/or has been popularized by 20th- and 21st-century critics. Conservative efforts to educate young Victorian minds through 'quality literature' according to high standards of morality were hampered in the second half of the 19th century by...
Cedrus brevifolia (Cyprus cedar) is a narrow endemic species of the Cyprus flora. The range of the species has nowadays been limited to only one population, which is non-uniform and has been restricted to five neighboring stands (patches) in the region of the Pafos forest. Although C. brevifolia is an endemic species with a narrow distributional range, it exhibits high genetic diversity. Based on this result, the species does not appear to be characterized by founder effect. The high genetic...
History has witnessed forests shaping human civilization from the ancient times to the industrial ages and after. In recent years, the world's forests have staged more prominent roles in our society. That the year 2011 has been declared as the International Year of Forests by the United Nations reveals a bold statement on such importance. The forests of Indonesia are in particular; stakes placed upon are diverse and often conflicting, not only from local or national levels but also from...
This dissertation centers on the investigation of norm diffusion processes in developing countries facilitated by environmental bilateral cooperation. It particularly identifies conditions promoting the diffusion of cleaner production (CP) norms in Indonesia, supported by German and Indonesian environmental bilateral cooperation, known as the Program Lingkungan Hidup, phase II (Environmental Program-Pro LH II Project) from 2004-2008. This research acknowledges the tendency of global norms to diffuse into national politics; yet, they produce different degrees of compliance towards different states. Indeed, the...
Ekue, Dr. Marius Rodrigue Mensah
Indigenous knowledge, morphological variation and genetic diversity of Blighia sapida K.D. King in Benin
Ackee is an underutilized species native to West Africa important for the livelihoods of rural population and candidate species for domestication. However, because the species was neglected for so long, key knowledge essential to elaborate a clear domestication strategy is very sketchy in the region. This book provide data from Benin on farmer's indigenous knowledge and perception of variation taking into account the difference among ethnic groups and gender, the morphological variability in tree and fruit traits in relation to...
The dielectric heating of seeds can e.g. B. for thermal pre-treatment before processing. This leads to a rapid increase in temperature in the material to be dried, which can lead to microstructural changes in the seeds and inactivation of lipid-splitting enzymes. The present study was carried out to investigate the influence of dielectric heating using microwave and high-frequency waves as a function of duration and temperature on qualitative characteristics of rapeseed and two varieties of sunflower seeds with different fatty...
Ectomycorrhiza Paxillus involutus (two strains: Maj and Nau) were used to synthesize mycorrhiza with Populus canescens in an axenic culture. Next fungal strain Maj and the systemic fungicide Previcur® N were used on 5 clones of Populus nigra cuttings in an open condition. Biometric parameters, microsatellite, photosynthesis rate, ecto- and arbuscular mycorrhization, endophytic fungal colonization, ITS sequencing, biochemical analysis, insect feeding test and emission of volatile compounds were studied. Details Title: Influence of ectomycorrhiza Paxillus involutus (Batsch. Ex. Fr.) inoculation...
Migration and its positive implications for social and economic development have increased in recognition and importance in the context of regional and national development. In addition, while international migration in the wake of globalization has received most academic attention, the World Development Report 2009 points out that the largest flows of people take place within nations. This internal migration can be an important driver of urbanization, which in turn facilitates economic growth by giving rise to agglomeration economies within cities...
This work considers the simulation of premixed combustion with regard to the application in stationary gas turbines and future aero engines. With respect to the pollutant reduction of current devices as well as complementary technologies in the context of renewable energies, premixed flames are of increasing importance but exhibit reduced stability properties compared to conventional non-premixed systems. Regarding this, the simulation can provide detailed insight into the physical mechanisms for scientific research as well as help in the design of...
Whatever career you choose, a qualification in Business Studies will stand you in good stead. If you are going to get ahead, you need to understand the language of that discipline. Management English Intelligence is a sterling way to polish your Business English credentials. It cuts through the unnecessary details to give a clear insight into the modern language of Management and Business English. Management concepts are explained succinctly with essential vocabulary and expressions presented in context. The user of...