"The dissertation by Mr. PengdwendeRodrigue Sinna Digdabgo confronts the concept of civil society, which has emerged in the Western context, with the social reality in Burkina Faso. To this end, the author develops a highly original interpretation of the term based on a reading of several Western classics, notably by Norbert Elias, Anthony Giddens and Pierre Bourdieu. He pursues the argument that a civil society understood in this way is linked to social modernization (...) as an answer to the uncertainties...
At the Bilderberg Conferences, representatives of the transatlantic power elite have been discussing the major issues of world politics every year since 1954. To this day, the Bilderberg Group is primarily made a public issue by conspiracy theorists. In the political public, the mass media and science, the event was noted only in rare cases. This article examines the construction of knowledge about the power of the legendary Bilderberg group, which is anchored in the journalistic, political, conspiracy theory and...
At the Bilderberg Conferences, representatives of the transatlantic power elite have been discussing the major issues of world politics every year since 1954. To this day, the Bilderberg Group is primarily made a public issue by conspiracy theorists. In the political public, the mass media and science, the event was noted only in rare cases. This article examines the construction of knowledge about the power of the legendary Bilderberg group, which is anchored in the journalistic, political, conspiracy theory and...
At the Bilderberg Conferences, representatives of the transatlantic power elite have been discussing the major issues of world politics every year since 1954. To this day, the Bilderberg Group is primarily made a public issue by conspiracy theorists. In the political public, the mass media and science, the event was noted only in rare cases. This article examines the construction of knowledge about the power of the legendary Bilderberg group, which is anchored in the journalistic, political, conspiracy theory and...
Rap is considered a male domain - but what is the role of women in this music genre? To what extent are ready-made clichés fulfilled or emancipative approaches created? This book deals with the extensive topic of the active and passive representation of women in the rap scene. The object of research is in particular the analysis of lyrical and visual productions of female and male interpreters and supporting actors. The focus is mainly on the German-language genre. In the...
Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children according to the Basic Law. In this role, parents act every day in many situations as representatives of their underage offspring. They decide, among other things, about attending a childcare facility, choosing a school, drug treatments and feeding the child. Ultimately, however, it is the child who bears the short- and long-term consequences of their parents' decision-making processes. This book therefore focuses on the parental decision-making process with its various components...
This study report examines the emergency service of public and private ambulance services in Namibia. The structure, allocation and location of the emergency services and the resulting behavior of the population are the focus of the research. The investigation uses a policy analysis to describe and explain the system configuration at the time of the survey and the emergence of the system. To achieve this, the policy cycle as well as the policy network get subjected to a consideration and...
The international interdependence of markets and economic relations presents the operating companies with new tasks and additional challenges. However, in intercultural economic conflicts that arise in the area of tension between global integration and cultural identity, the tried-and-tested negotiation patterns and mechanisms of conflict resolution in the respective home culture quickly reach their limits. Time-consuming and costly court proceedings usually only lead to the formal clarification of legal claims by the parties involved, but are unsuitable for creating the basis...
This dissertation examines emergency care by public and private rescue services in Namibia. The research focuses on the structure, allocation and location of rescue workers and the resulting behavior of the population. The investigation should enable a description and explanation of the system design at the time of the survey and the emergence of the system by means of a policy field analysis. In addition, the procedures of the rescue services, in particular existing strengths and weaknesses, were examined. This...
Infectious diseases alone have historically claimed more lives than wars - be it the "Spanish flu" after World War I or AIDS, malaria, polio and tuberculosis. Together they cost millions of lives every year. A multitude of actors are active in the global health world in the fight against these pathogens, but among this myriad one actor has received little research attention to date: philanthropic foundations. As a result, the question of the efficiency of philanthropic foundations remained largely unaddressed...
The starting point of this work are the traditional stereotypes about black people that are still to be found in Central Europe and, via Europe, also in large parts of the USA. Due to the comprehensive socio-cultural changes of modernity and the resulting new perspectives of what is one's own and what is foreign, the previously stable ethno-characteristic images are currently beginning to become more and more dynamic. This is where the present study comes in, which is based on...
This thesis was written in 2008 after six months of field work and data collection in South Africa. It includes a comprehensive literature review on the theory and empirics of the behavioral response to HIV looking at: (1) the relationship between HIV incidence and sexual behaviors; (2) types of evidence resulting from observational studies, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), recent creative social experiments that go beyond conventional RCTs in testing different hypothesis in the field; (3) the socio-economic characteristics of HIV...