Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 01 | The German legal education under the influence of the Bologna process
Against the background of the Bologna process and based on current law studies, the work analyzes the current reform models for the introduction of a bachelor's/master's structure in German legal education. The reform proposals, which vary in detail, are systematized by means of a comparative overview and traced back to the essential conceptual questions. In this way, the advantages and disadvantages of the different reform models can be examined in more detail. Finally, considerations on the reform of the legal...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 02 | Electronic ankle bracelet. Curse or blessing of criminal policy?
In view of the broad discussion and in the light of the Hessian project, the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association announced a student essay competition and awarded the "Prize of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association". The participants were called upon to critically examine and constructively pursue one or more fundamental questions triggered by the electronic tag. The contributions received were judged by a jury consisting of lawyer Thomas Scherzberg, chairman of the Hessian criminal defense association and...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 03 | Swimming with fingerprint?
The Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association has given its student essay competition an unusual title this time. Biometrics is certainly not a topic that young lawyers deal with intensively during their training. Nevertheless, or precisely because of this, this topic had its very special charm. The contributions submitted to the foundation were approved by Prof. Dr. Viola Schmid, LL.M. (Harvard) by the department of public law (focus on cyberlaw) at the Technical University of Darmstadt. On her recommendation, two...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 04 | Cultural flat rate, cultural value mark or three strikes and you are out
In 2012, the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association wrote a student essay competition on the subject of 'culture flat rate, cultural value mark or three strikes and you are out: how should creativity be dealt with on the internet?' and asked students to present the deficits of the applicable law or at least one of the currently discussed models de lege ferenda from a legal point of view. This volume contains the contributions of the five award winners Jan...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 05 | From court control to meeting society's need for information
The present volume 5 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2013 on the subject "From the control of the court to the satisfaction of the information needs of society - is there a functional change in the 'public' of court proceedings ' (§ 169 GVG)?“. Prof. Dr. dr h.c. Ulfried Neumann, Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Legal Philosophy and Legal...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 06 | deals in criminal proceedings
The present volume 6 of the publication series of the Hessian Lawyers' Foundation is based on a student essay competition on the topic "Deals in criminal proceedings" advertised by the foundation in 2014 - Can an accused "buy himself free" in criminal proceedings? Prof. Dr. Britta Bannenberg, Professor of Criminology, Juvenile Justice and Correctional Services at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, selected the six works presented here from the many submissions from all over Germany in the essay competition;...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 07 | From Brokdorf to Blockupy and Pegida
The present volume 7 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the Foundation in 2015 on the topic "From Brokdorf to Blockupy and Pegida. Is the current assembly law still up to date?“.Dr. Rainald Gerster, President of the Frankfurt Administrative Court and Dr. Stefan Fuhrmann, Chief Magistrate Director, Head of the Legal Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, selected the six works presented here...
The present volume 8 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2016 on the topic "Internet crime is booming - does the criminal code need an update?" Dr. Benjamin Krause, public prosecutor at the Central Office for Combating Cybercrime (ZIT) of the General Public Prosecutor's Office in Frankfurt am Main, selected the six works presented here from the many submissions from all over...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 09 | Help - my judge wears a burqa
The present volume 9 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2017 on the topic "Help - my judge wears a burqa". Dr. Klaus Maier, judge at the Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court, selected the seven works presented here from the many submissions from all over Germany in the essay competition; the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association awarded it a monetary...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 10 | Proposals for the reform of the asylum law in Germany
The present volume 10 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the Foundation in 2018 on the topic "Proposals for the reform of asylum law in Germany". Lawyer Prof. Dr. Roland Fritz, M.A., former President of the Administrative Court in Frankfurt am Main, and Dr. Stefan Fuhrmann, Chief Magistrate Director and Head of the Legal Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, selected the seven...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 11 | Much ado about nothing?
The present volume 11 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2019 on the topic "Much ado about nothing? A firework of arguments on collective punishment in sport”. Prof. Dr. Anne Jakob, specialist lawyer for sports law, and Dr. Jörg Dauernheim, co-editor of the "Reichert-Handbuch des Vereins- und Verbandsrechtes", selected the four works presented here from the many submissions from all over Germany...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 12 | LegalTech: Curse or blessing for the legal profession?
The present 12th volume of the publication series of the Hessian Lawyers' Foundation is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2020 on the topic "LegalTech: Curse or blessing for the legal profession? If law is automated - what does that mean for the profession of lawyer?” Christian Solmecke, LL.M., Managing Director of the cloud-based law firm management software Legalvisio and one of the most distinguished lawyers in the field of digitization, selected the works collected...