The present study attempts to contribute to research into the effective factors of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). EMDR is a well-studied and effective method for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the effective factors of which have not yet been clearly clarified. With this book, eye movements are derived directly from the EOG (electrooculogram) during an EMDR-typical setting for the first time. In addition, cortical processes such as activation, interhemispheric activation differences, and remembering and reappraisal are...
Even in the 21st century, depression is still a taboo subject, especially when it comes to male members of our society who are affected by this disease. In the first part of this research work, the clinical picture of depression and its multifactorial, i.e. social, cognitive and psycho(pathological) conditions of origin will be shown on the basis of a specific case. The basis for this is the narrative interview, which was previously conducted with a 26-year-old young man and from...
Depression is still a taboo subject even in the 21st century, although theoretically it can affect anyone. Especially when it comes to men who are affected by this disease. The image of a man suffering from depression contradicts the ideas of a performance-oriented society. External factors such as bullying, stress, social isolation, separation in general can be triggers for depression. In the first part of this work, the clinical picture of depression and its multifactorial development conditions are to be...
In view of the long tradition of research into human decision-making behavior, it is surprising that our understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying childhood decision-making behavior is still in its infancy. This book provides a comprehensive methodological and empirical overview of the current status of decision-making research with children. Based on this, the theoretical debate about the cognitive mechanisms of decision-making that is currently being conducted in decision-making research with adults is expanded by a developmental-psychological perspective: An understanding of...
Empirical, i.e. qualitative social research has set itself the task of reconstructing biographical processing patterns of learning processes, in the sense of concrete actions and statements, between social groups/institutions and the individual himself. The focus of interest is always the human being himself, with his individual experiences, his subjective and selective perception as well as his interpersonal interaction. In addition, overall social contexts are analyzed in order to be able to draw conclusions about the interrelationship between society and social...
When we think of leadership, do we have a certain idea or a certain "image in our heads" of what leadership is and how we recognize (good) leadership. For example, a manager should make decisions, be motivating or set goals for employees. So we expect certain qualities and behaviors from leaders. But what image do managers actually have of employees? What assumptions do managers associate with (good) employees and what do they expect from employees? Ultimately, the manager and the...
What personal opinions and views do students associate with the professional option of founding their own company? The present work is devoted to this question. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this question is empirically examined. A qualitative elicitation study serves to elicit the subjective behavioral, normative and control beliefs. Two further quantitative studies result in results on the actual levels of belief, differential beliefs of students with different levels of founding intentions and belief factors obtained through...
Accurately assessing customer requests and their expectations - this is of particular importance in a time of strong competitive markets. This is exactly where a careful analysis of the individual values of customers can be helpful. Because: Values have a lasting influence on our everyday thoughts and actions – including consumer behavior. This book explains the extent to which different values and customer-specific characteristics can influence consumer behavior. The basis for this is the international research on human values by...
Appreciation by teachers towards students is generally considered relevant. For example, an appreciative attitude towards children is anchored in a variety of school concepts or is considered a pedagogical principle of teachers. However, it is often unclear how appreciation is specifically expressed in the context of school. Against this background, it is also questionable what influence appreciative behavior of teachers has on learners and their development. The author deals with this circumstance by considering appreciation as an attitude of teachers...
The psychotherapy of alcohol dependence requires the therapist to classify the individual case in the phenomenological heterogeneity and to consider the individual addictive substance functionality in the relationship design and treatment planning. To this end, the author brings together the strands of typological alcoholism and consistency research according to Grawe. Empirically, the needs-based differentiation of five indicative subtypes of alcohol dependents and the prognosis of the therapy outcome is successful, although generally stable characteristics are more suitable than clinically fluctuating...