Azerbaijan has gained in importance in recent years, not least due to oil and gas exports. The global players in the energy sector compete for access to fossil energy resources. The country's geopolitical location between Russia, Turkey and Iran also gives Azerbaijan a prominent role in the current international conflicts. In view of this, it is surprising that there is no intensive political science engagement with Azerbaijan in Germany. This publication aims to contribute to closing this gap. For this...
Fear of Islam is growing in the western world. What are the historical, political, sociocultural and religious perspectives underlying this sense of threat? In particular, the warning signs from Islamic fundamentalists and the failed integration policy of recent years are the subject of controversial discussion in the western world - especially in Germany. This book attempts to provide an answer by looking at developments in the Islamic world itself. This includes, on the one hand, Islamic fundamentalism and Al-Qaeda, but...
There are tensions in the intensification of economic exchange between China and Germany. This work attempts to identify and analyze the causes of these tensions. Various analysis methods from the theory of international relations and political science are used. The bilateral relations between China and Germany from 1990 to 2009 in normal and crisis mode were selected as concrete research objects for a case analysis. The focus of the investigations is on the relationship between foreign policy and political culture...
The development of the European security architecture in the post-bipolar period is subject to immense economic fluctuations and dynamics in terms of security policy, which came to the fore after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the communist bloc. Turkey, which belonged to the Western camp during the "Cold War", today, like the European Union, sees itself facing major challenges in maintaining security policy stability within its sphere of interest. Asymmetric warfare, wars of the 'third...
"It is the great achievement of Martin Wassermair to have identified a historical place in which continuity and rupture, complexity and simplicity in the process of formation and deformation are clearly manifested. Performances of ' Fidelio' did not only take place at such central reference points of Austrian self-discovery as in the years 1955 and 1945. Through Beethoven, the social-democratic workers' movement connected with the bourgeois nation - but at that time the German nation, and Beethoven is also recognizable as...
This dissertation centers on the investigation of norm diffusion processes in developing countries facilitated by environmental bilateral cooperation. It particularly identifies conditions promoting the diffusion of cleaner production (CP) norms in Indonesia, supported by German and Indonesian environmental bilateral cooperation, known as the Program Lingkungan Hidup, phase II (Environmental Program-Pro LH II Project) from 2004-2008. This research acknowledges the tendency of global norms to diffuse into national politics; yet, they produce different degrees of compliance towards different states. Indeed, the...
The unions are at a crossroads. Although the much-cited crisis of the trade unions does not endanger their existence, it does require a decision regarding their function and their understanding of their role. The decision is: Do the unions accept the new balance of power between labor and capital and assume the role of a pragmatic companion to modernization, relying on derived power as an ordering factor, which is still granted to them by capital and the state? Do the...
The unions are at a crossroads. Although the much-cited crisis of the trade unions does not endanger their existence, it does require a decision regarding their function and their understanding of their role. The decision is: Do the unions accept the new balance of power between labor and capital and assume the role of a pragmatic companion to modernization, relying on derived power as an ordering factor, which is still granted to them by capital and the state? Do the...
In recent years, the effects of climate change have become the most important political issue that not only affects the ecological movement, but has long since moved onto the agenda of geopolitics - because nothing is more important than security and peace itself."Climate change is a potential threat to global peace. The book and the authors remind us that we must finally act together before it's too late is." Marcus Seyfarth, Chairman of the Foreign and Security Policy Study Groups e.V."The...
The role of Islam in Indonesia's recent political and civil society history has been the subject of controversial discussions for years. Since the overthrow of Suharto in 1998, and in the course of the democratization process that began thereafter, militant Islam in particular has increasingly attracted the attention of world public opinion, in addition to the large number of newly emerging Islamic-influenced parties. Klaus Behnam Shad's work is dedicated to the question of how the highly complicated relationship between domestic...
Development cooperation, consisting of the entirety of private and public sponsoring organizations, is subject more than ever to the change of globalization and is under international pressure. Against this background, Austria's development cooperation policy is also increasingly being criticized. The lack of harmonization of development cooperation among donor countries and Western institutions and the increasing bureaucracy of development cooperation in priority countries in Africa are among the greatest challenges to which answers and solutions must be found. This work shows...
The concepts of the state and state system have always determined the formation of theories in international relations. Under the rapid pressure to change from diverse globalization processes, both concepts are currently reaching the limits of their ability to explain, even becoming an obstacle to knowledge. This study is therefore dedicated to both a decidedly historical presentation of the development of the state and the state system and a reconstruction of the theory of the English school. In the context...