
Showing 313 to 324 of 362 items

Young people not only develop diverse concepts of femininity and masculinity at school, they also arrange them in a hierarchical order. This leads to privileges, discrimination and exclusion. This book shows the means by which a gender order is negotiated among young people at school, which on the one hand testifies to a large variety of gender concepts, but on the other hand is the result of a standardization based on social stereotypes. The author bases his theses on observations...


Founding a company presents the founder of a business with various related questions. There are u. Making decisions about the business concept, the chances of successful marketing, the legal form, the location, the organization, management, human resources management, investments and their financing or the use of possible subsidies. A successful start-up must not leave any of these questions unanswered. The details of the start-up project can be recorded in a business plan. This forms u. an important basis for decision-making...


Founding a company presents the founder of a business with various related questions. There are u. Making decisions about the business concept, the chances of successful marketing, the legal form, the location, the organization, management, human resources management, investments and their financing or the use of possible subsidies. A successful start-up must not leave any of these questions unanswered. The details of the start-up project can be recorded in a business plan. This forms u. an important basis for decision-making...


Founding or taking over a medical practice or a therapeutic practice is associated with opportunities and risks for the founder of a business or doctor or therapist. There are numerous decisions to be made with regard to relevant medical, therapeutic, economic, financial, legal, organizational, personnel, spatial, temporal and other aspects. Here, the current and future development in the healthcare system plays a central role. Every start-up is well prepared, planned and represents a sustainable, often irreversible decision with existential importance....


The successful management of a company requires certain characteristics, skills and competencies from the entrepreneur and the managers. The success-relevant characteristics of companies are the subject of numerous scientific studies. In addition to the required characteristics, these also deal with what successful entrepreneurs do better and allow building blocks of successful leadership to be derived from the knowledge gained. On this basis, leadership skills can be improved. Improving personal charisma also makes a significant contribution to the success of entrepreneurs....


The present studies should serve to make thoughtful people tempted to study Schopenhauer's work and his pessimism on the basis of the unillusioned and unembellished presented human condition as a thoroughly altruistic alternative to the naive and pernicious positivism of modern consumer society. Details Title: Thus Passed the Glory of the World Subtitle: 3 studies on Arthur Schopenhauer - philosopher with uncomfortable truths Author: Dr. Bruno Schmitz Edition: 1st edition Published: 1st edition 26.11.2015 Department: Philosophy Product Type: Book (Hardcover)...




This thesis was written in 2008 after six months of field work and data collection in South Africa. It includes a comprehensive literature review on the theory and empirics of the behavioral response to HIV looking at: (1) the relationship between HIV incidence and sexual behaviors; (2) types of evidence resulting from observational studies, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), recent creative social experiments that go beyond conventional RCTs in testing different hypothesis in the field; (3) the socio-economic characteristics of HIV...


The idea of ​​striving for growth and maximizing profits can no longer be seen as the key to a healthy and sustainable market economy. Many people and companies already recognize that the current way of doing business is at the expense of resources, both in terms of raw materials and human labor. Increasingly, unworthy working conditions and other aspects that fail to take human rights into account can be identified. In order to counteract this development and to preserve the...


The concepts of the state and state system have always determined the formation of theories in international relations. Under the rapid pressure to change from diverse globalization processes, both concepts are currently reaching the limits of their ability to explain, even becoming an obstacle to knowledge. This study is therefore dedicated to both a decidedly historical presentation of the development of the state and the state system and a reconstruction of the theory of the English school. In the context...


The subject of the work is the detailed statistical analysis of stratified and sheared flames. For this purpose, a generic, premixed, piloted burner is used, which enables stratification and shearing of the fuel-oxidizer mixtures that emerge through two independent annular gaps. To ensure that the processes that occur remain unaffected, laser-based methods are used to investigate them. The detailed characterization of the burner is carried out using thermographic phosphors to determine the wall temperatures. Combined Raman/Rayleigh spectroscopy is used for...


Since the 1970s, science has been pointing to the continuous decline in biological diversity. Companies in particular find it difficult to strategically anchor biodiversity aspects in their organization, even though they operate comprehensive sustainability management. The concept of the Biodiversity Balanced Scorecard starts here and offers companies a methodical instrument with which biodiversity aspects can be operationalized, i.e. made measurable and controllable. Details Title: Strategic biodiversity management using a Biodiversity Balanced Scorecard Author: Niels Christiansen Edition: 1st edition Published: 1st...


Doing top-class sport and studying at the same time involves a high personal risk and seems almost impossible under the current structures and conditions in Germany. An immense expenditure of time is necessary in order to be able to achieve top-class sporting successes and also achievements in a course of study. Since competitive sport is also practiced in a phase of life in which studying later professional success and social security are influenced by studying, many top athletes with an...
