This dissertation examines emergency care by public and private rescue services in Namibia. The research focuses on the structure, allocation and location of rescue workers and the resulting behavior of the population. The investigation should enable a description and explanation of the system design at the time of the survey and the emergence of the system by means of a policy field analysis. In addition, the procedures of the rescue services, in particular existing strengths and weaknesses, were examined. This...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Cologne Occasional Papers on International Peace and Security Law
Number 4 | From the Madrid Conference to the Kerry Initiative
This essay provides a historical overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and peace process. The term “Israeli-Palestinian peace process” as used hereafter describes negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians in relation to the ongoing conflict over part of the territory designated as “The Mandate of Palestine” (also known as “Mandatory Palestine”) by the League of Nations in 1922. This essay does not discuss the Israeli-Egyptian or Israeli-Jordanian peace agreements even though these developments foster a more comprehensive understanding of the Arab-Israeli conflict....
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Cologne Occasional Papers on International Peace and Security Law
Number 5 | Contemporary Issues in International Criminal and Human Rights Law
When in the summer of 2014 young legal scholars and students from Cambodia, Germany and the US gathered at the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh to participate in the iipsl Summer School 2014 on Inter-national Criminal Law and Human Rights Law a long term project of Elisa Hoven and months of preparation became reality.1 This publication bears witness to its success and brings together essays from participants and lecturers of the Summer School. Details Title: Contemporary Issues in International Criminal...
Engines, aircraft engines or gas turbines are just a few examples of technical combustion systems. The energy chemically bound in the fuel is converted into other forms of energy with the help of a combustion process. Combustion control is crucial to develop efficient and low-emission systems. As a prediction tool, computer simulation is already making a major contribution that will continue to grow in the future. The simultaneous further development of turbulence and combustion models is crucial in order to...
The subject of this thesis is the development of a method for the numerical simulation of gasoline self-ignition. In addition to the calculation of non-reacting flows with moving and stationary computational grids, a piloted methane-air jet flame is simulated. In addition, the work gives an outlook on the treatment of a near-production single-cylinder 4-stroke gasoline engine with direct injection in compression-ignition mode. The developed numerical method is based on a time-resolved, three-dimensional description of the gas and the disperse phase...
Today, batteries serve as a power supply for almost every electronic device which people carry around or install in locations that have no access to the mains. The longer a battery powered system can operate without need for recharge or battery replacement, the more will maintenance cost and the number of faults due to insufficient power supply decrease. This work considers multiple independent software tasks that are assigned to the same processor. The tasks are supposed to have hard deadlines...
The book begins with an introduction to the methodological and conceptual foundations of organic computing that is understandable for readers of all disciplines. The interdisciplinary research initiative refers to the biological paradigm of self-organized information processing in organic systems. Even the simplest biological organisms show specific phenomenal characteristics, such as goal orientation and adaptability, the scientific explanation of which within the theory of dynamic systems should enable the development of organically structured information technology. However, there is an explanatory gap...
Twenty eight genotypes of tomato were organically cultivated in two locations (Schönhagen and Ellingerode, Germany) in different two years. Plant infection by Phytophthora infestans was evaluated as well as the fruit nutritional and quality parameters (content of lycopene, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid antioxidant capacity, mineral nutrients and organic compounds). It was also of interest to find a connection between infection and fruit quality. Details Title: Organically-grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Subtitle: Plant infection by Phytophthora infestans and fruit quality Author:...
Development cooperation, consisting of the entirety of private and public sponsoring organizations, is subject more than ever to the change of globalization and is under international pressure. Against this background, Austria's development cooperation policy is also increasingly being criticized. The lack of harmonization of development cooperation among donor countries and Western institutions and the increasing bureaucracy of development cooperation in priority countries in Africa are among the greatest challenges to which answers and solutions must be found. This work shows...
The author examines the legal aspects of concluding transport contracts over the Internet in a factual manner and in easily understandable language. The starting point of the investigation are the defensive clauses contained in many general terms and conditions of transport companies with regard to the acceptance of shipments with certain contents or values. The question of what consequences there are for the conclusion and continued existence of the contract of carriage if no or incorrect information about the shipment...
Extensive forests of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) can be found in the southern Kyrgyz Republic. The natural stands of Juglans regia, however, are under uncontrolled human impact. Therefore, an assessment of a population genetic analysis of these forests as well as permanent conservation efforts of managing genetic resources has gained great attention. This book provides a comprehensive population genetic analysis of Persian walnut across its entire geographical range in the southern Kyrgyz Republic. The chapters of this book aim...
Phyto-hormones play critical roles in the coordination of plant growth and development. Generally, plant hormones promote, inhibit, or qualitatively modify plant growth and development. This complex process requires signal transduction, specific information pathways, translating intra- or extra-cellular signals into specific cellular responses within a cell. Auxins represent an important class of plant hormones. Plant growth is regulated by auxin via the regulation of various genes responsible for different metabolic processes in the plant. The impact of toxic heavy metals like...