Refugees face social and legal rejection in Germany. The reason for this lies in the attempt to deport asylum seekers and tolerated persons - despite years of residence in Germany - instead of integrating them. This exclusion from the German host society has a major impact on the labor market opportunities of refugees. This thesis uses interviews with employers to show what influence "equal access" to the labor market has on the employment opportunities for many refugees and those with...
Azerbaijan has gained in importance in recent years, not least due to oil and gas exports. The global players in the energy sector compete for access to fossil energy resources. The country's geopolitical location between Russia, Turkey and Iran also gives Azerbaijan a prominent role in the current international conflicts. In view of this, it is surprising that there is no intensive political science engagement with Azerbaijan in Germany. This publication aims to contribute to closing this gap. For this...
As a result of the increasing capital requirements of non-listed companies and the continuously increasing investment needs of institutional and private investors, private equity covers a segment of the capital market that has been growing for decades. The private equity companies (PEG) see themselves as active insider investors who take on evaluation and selection functions, transaction execution, support and exit functions in the investment process. The risks associated with this, in particular the issues of portfolio building by PEGs, were...
Gimmler, Karl-Heinz | Gimmler Logistik Stiftung
Volume 1 | Service level agreements in contract logistics
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) have increasingly become a best practice component of logistics contracts. However, there is currently only little empirical knowledge about the actual spread and design of SLAs. This is where the wide-ranging survey of German contract logistics companies, which was initiated together with the Gimmler Logistik Stiftung gGmbH, comes in. Based on the survey results, approaches to optimizing the use of SLAs are worked out from the point of view of the logistics company. The Gimmler Logistik...
The amount of regional information in the Russian textbooks for the German language was and remains large. The textbooks for the German language provide valuable information about cultural and public life in Germany. Certain information through the intense recovery is stereotyped. The subject of this thesis is what images of Germany are presented in Russian school textbooks in the period 1986-2006 and whether these images have survived to this day. The study shows whether modern textbooks show a differentiated image...
Rap is considered a male domain - but what is the role of women in this music genre? To what extent are ready-made clichés fulfilled or emancipative approaches created? This book deals with the extensive topic of the active and passive representation of women in the rap scene. The object of research is in particular the analysis of lyrical and visual productions of female and male interpreters and supporting actors. The focus is mainly on the German-language genre. In the...
Since the middle of the 12th century, marriage between Christians and Gentiles was customarily forbidden in the Catholic Church due to Impedimentum disparitas cultus (the difference in religion). Nevertheless, marriage was possible if the partner had previously converted. If this requirement was not fulfilled, the marriage was declared invalid even after the marriage had already taken place. In medieval society, the issue of marriage law was a very controversial subject. The problem is illustrated using the works of Wolfram von...
Members of "Generation Y" are highly educated, flexible, demanding - and few and far between. In the "war for talents" it will therefore be crucial as an employer to get into the mindsets of these high potentials and to stay there. Two suitable measures are the HR management disciplines of Employer Branding (EB) and Talent Relationship Management (TRM). Ideally combined. Surprisingly, the topic is still neglected or even completely ignored in the specialist literature. The present work closes this gap....
They are dreams, places of refuge and at the same time the mirror of our world: parallel worlds have always run through our cultural memory and manifest themselves in fantastic ways in literature and film. Hayao Miyazaki, one of the most famous anime directors, has embraced the creation of parallel worlds in his work in the most diverse and diverse ways. His award-winning films such as "Spirited Away", "Princess Mononoke" or "Howl's Moving Castle" are particularly suitable for examining the...
TheWigalois of Wirnt von Grafenberg describes the life of Gawein's son Gwigalois. The main plot is preceded by a backstory about the protagonist's parents, while the narrative ends with a wish for a sequel about the exploits of Gawein's grandson, Lifort Gawanides. The present study takes its starting point from the observation that the hero's family affiliation is a fundamental motif in Wigalois. The novel not only describes a basic form of genealogical continuity through the transition from father to son....
In Wilde's works, especially the art-theoretical essays, aptly summarized under the title Intentions, his desire for tolerance and artistic freedom runs through. This claim to autonomy for the art sphere is based on philosophical studies written a century earlier by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment. Kant analyzes the specificity of aesthetic experience and distinguishes it from theoretical knowledge and morality, emphasizing its freedom from purpose and thus paving the way for the autonomy of the beautiful. This final...
Gimmler, Karl-Heinz | Gimmler Logistik Stiftung
Cargo fraud and embezzlement in road transport in Germany
Road freight transport is becoming more and more the focus of criminals. The procedures are becoming more and more well thought out. A special type of theft of goods is fraud. There is currently only little empirical knowledge about the extent of cargo fraud and embezzlement in Germany. This is where the survey of transport and insurance companies comes in, with information from other parties such as police authorities, detective agencies and freight exchange operators also being included. Based on...