The outstanding importance of phosphorus (P) in all living cells makes it an essential nutrient. Its pivotal use as a fertilizer and the finiteness as a natural resource lead to a new episode of historic importance: A possible upcoming phosphate crisis. In this book an overview of the role of phosphorus as a nutrient and as a fertilizer as well as the underlying soil dynamics is given. The flows of phosphorus in Austria are shown by using the method of...
From the mid-1970s Western societies faced a "long downturn" from a circle of high profits, investment rates and productivity to years of recession and developing widespread unemployment caused by lower profits, investments and productivity. To counter this trend, policy makers in the US and Europe unleashed a vast market deregulation. This work analyzes the role of the media sector throughout this transition period. Neoliberal policies resulted in a breathtaking development of big, transnational media conglomerates and internationalized advertising, thereby triggering...
The author examines the legal aspects of concluding transport contracts over the Internet in a factual manner and in easily understandable language. The starting point of the investigation are the defensive clauses contained in many general terms and conditions of transport companies with regard to the acceptance of shipments with certain contents or values. The question of what consequences there are for the conclusion and continued existence of the contract of carriage if no or incorrect information about the shipment...
Infectious diseases alone have historically claimed more lives than wars - be it the "Spanish flu" after World War I or AIDS, malaria, polio and tuberculosis. Together they cost millions of lives every year. A multitude of actors are active in the global health world in the fight against these pathogens, but among this myriad one actor has received little research attention to date: philanthropic foundations. As a result, the question of the efficiency of philanthropic foundations remained largely unaddressed...
Coal has been mined and extracted worldwide for some time. This raw material, which has been described as the engine of industrialization, is mainly used for power generation and steel production and gives countries with sufficient reserves an important position in the world economy by being able to produce their own energy. Germany is one of the countries with the highest coal reserves in the world. RAG Deutsche Steinkohle is part of the RAG Aktiengesellschaft group of companies and is...
Since the 1970s, science has been pointing to the continuous decline in biological diversity. Companies in particular find it difficult to strategically anchor biodiversity aspects in their organization, even though they operate comprehensive sustainability management. The concept of the Biodiversity Balanced Scorecard starts here and offers companies a methodical instrument with which biodiversity aspects can be operationalized, i.e. made measurable and controllable. Details Title: Strategic biodiversity management using a Biodiversity Balanced Scorecard Author: Niels Christiansen Edition: 1st edition Published: 1st...
This book aims to provide a picture of todays developments, opportunities and imponderables for Arctic transit shipping in both the Russian and Canadian Arctic with hands-on information for shipowners, environmentalists and representatives of international governmental bodies. The image of a potentially soon navigable Arctic Ocean has stirred worldwide public attention but was too often blurred by factually incorrect sensationalism and geopolitical saber-rattling. This book offers a realistic overview of what we can expect from Arctic Shipping, how soon opportunities will...
The company usually associates certain expectations with the establishment of a corporate foundation: Your foundation should behave in a loyal manner and promote the business interests of the company in an accountable manner. On the other hand, however, it would be problematic for the credibility and thus for the desired social success of a corporate foundation if it were perceived by the public as merely an "extended arm" of an integrated CSR department; the legitimacy as a non-profit organization would...
Russia is one of the fastest-growing and major markets in the world and it is even one of the most popular countries for foreign entrants interested in business. There are plenty of options to conduct business in Russia in general and especially in the area of acrylic glass or polycarbonate. Despite this, no concrete study has been conducted so far to determine the most feasible entry mode into the Russian market for a German company producing the aforesaid materials. Using...
The limitation of employment contracts is currently - compared to previous years - a phenomenon that is applied more often than average in the modern working world. This "extension of the probationary period" has far-reaching effects on the legal situation of the contracting parties. In the event of incorrect fixed-term contracts, the employer in particular runs the risk of unintentionally seeing an employee with a permanent contract. This book deals in particular with multiple fixed-term contracts and, based on the...