The combustion of hydrocarbons in a gas turbine will form the basis for aircraft propulsion for the foreseeable future. In order to minimize the environmental impact of this technology, novel combustion processes must be developed and loss processes within the gas turbine combustion chamber optimized. Current research areas relate to lean premixed combustion and the optimization of the cooling air requirement of the effusion-cooled combustion chamber wall. The aim of this work is to set up a gas turbine combustor...
How should learning objects be selected so that they can develop the human ability that is necessary to actively help shape the life and work environment of the students? This thesis presents a model that can be used to make better use of the degrees of freedom that were transferred to teachers in the vocational education system through the introduction of the learning fields, and would thus encourage further curricular interventions and discussions. Details Title: Fields of learning as a...
"Together we are changing the rules of pornography." This is what the burgeoning (queer) feminist porn scene promises. But according to what rules does pornography work? And to what extent are new porn makers trying to break with the usual norms and forms of representation? On the one hand, pornography stands for female objectification, male-dominated pleasure images and gender stigmatization. On the other hand, it stands for sexual self-empowerment, sex positivism and the expression of one's own sexuality independent of...
Whatever career you choose, a qualification in Business Studies will stand you in good stead. If you are going to get ahead, you need to understand the language of that discipline. Management English Intelligence is a sterling way to polish your Business English credentials. It cuts through the unnecessary details to give a clear insight into the modern language of Management and Business English. Management concepts are explained succinctly with essential vocabulary and expressions presented in context. The user of...
In her work, the author first presented the essentials of the theory, empiricism and method of Maria Montessori and Emmi Pikler. In the practical part, she shows how these methods are used today, based on observations in a crèche and an interview with a kindergarten teacher. The work is therefore interesting for educators, but also for parents who have children in institutions that work according to Montessori and/or Pikler. In the final part, the connection is made between the theory...
In her work, the author first presented the essentials of the theory, empiricism and method of Maria Montessori and Emmi Pikler. In the practical part, she shows how these methods are used today, based on observations in a crèche and an interview with a kindergarten teacher. The work is therefore interesting for educators, but also for parents who have children in institutions that work according to Montessori and/or Pikler. In the final part, the connection is made between the theory...
Market Economy is a comprehensive business English coursebook which has been specifically written for intermediate and advanced speakers of English. It provides a lively and accessible resource for all students, and primarily aims to meet the needs of students taking examinations in English for economics. In this publication, facts have been brought up-to-date and the text refined to cover the developments in economic policy and institutional changes over the last few years. This book is made up of 15 units...
ver the past decades, a world without private vehicles and the associated individualization of mobility has become more and more unimaginable for the very most of us. The worldwide quantity of vehicles running with a combustion engine still keeps on growing to numbers far beyond belief, but equally do the problems, provoked by this evolution - political, economical and environmental problems that show our overall dependency on petroleum. Can the electric vehicle become an acceptable solution for the future of...
The international interdependence of markets and economic relations presents the operating companies with new tasks and additional challenges. However, in intercultural economic conflicts that arise in the area of tension between global integration and cultural identity, the tried-and-tested negotiation patterns and mechanisms of conflict resolution in the respective home culture quickly reach their limits. Time-consuming and costly court proceedings usually only lead to the formal clarification of legal claims by the parties involved, but are unsuitable for creating the basis...
Pharmacoepidemiological databases are a very useful tool, without which well-directed quality improvements and targeted risk management of adverse drug effects would not be possible. Data from such retrospective databases allow investigations into specific subpopulations - e.g., groups with specific diagnoses - thanks to their size and duration of observation. Regarding the quality of such data, it has been proven that carefully planned observational studies can produce results comparable to those of randomized controlled trials. This book presents eight epidemiological and...
Every cell is capable of synthesizing and storing triacylglycerols (TAGs) as carbon and/or energy source. Although the biosynthetic pathways that lead to the formation of TAG are well established, knowledge of the factors that determine the amount of TAG to be synthesized in a cell is still scarce. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis is to analyze the role of sub- or micro-domains of the ER and lipid droplets (LD) in TAG formation and to use the knowledge gained...
The role of Islam in Indonesia's recent political and civil society history has been the subject of controversial discussions for years. Since the overthrow of Suharto in 1998, and in the course of the democratization process that began thereafter, militant Islam in particular has increasingly attracted the attention of world public opinion, in addition to the large number of newly emerging Islamic-influenced parties. Klaus Behnam Shad's work is dedicated to the question of how the highly complicated relationship between domestic...