Rage, desire, inhibition, tension, representation, poetry, definition, screaming, whispering, fantasizing, specifying and telling. Twelve authors, twelve perspectives, twelve insights. This first volume of the writing competition Scribere brings together poems, short stories and articles on the question: What does writing mean? Details Title: Scriber Subtitle: What does writing mean? Author: Alexander Martin Sieber, Anne-Christin Schicketanz, Anton Gsell, Armin Scheben, Bernd Hoffmeister, Claudia Paal, Daniela Schmidt, Johannes Mueller, Josi Schlichting, Julia Lietzau, Luisa Volkhausen, Rune Baruschke Row: Scriber Edition: 1st edition...
Utopia is a flight of imagination and intellect. In utopian societies, the problems of human society are solved: social injustice, exploitation and institutionalized inequality are unknown to them. Only here, it seems, can man live the true community, as formulated by the young Marx. This study tries to show a basic pattern of utopian designs: the vita communis idea, i.e. the ideal of communal life in general equality, as it is the basis of monastic communities in particular. A comparison...
Utopia is a flight of imagination and intellect. In utopian societies, the problems of human society are solved: social injustice, exploitation and institutionalized inequality are unknown to them. Only here, it seems, can man live the true community, as formulated by the young Marx. This study tries to show a basic pattern of utopian designs: the vita communis idea, i.e. the ideal of communal life in general equality, as it is the basis of monastic communities in particular. A comparison...
The later generation of Holocaust survivors is looking for a past that is often unknown to them, but which nevertheless has far-reaching consequences for their own biography. Memories are prerequisites for the formation of identity, and it is precisely for this reason that the memory work of the second generation of Holocaust literature seems interesting. This work deals for the first time with the following questions: How does this past find its way into your literary work? How are your...
In Wilde's works, especially the art-theoretical essays, aptly summarized under the title Intentions, his desire for tolerance and artistic freedom runs through. This claim to autonomy for the art sphere is based on philosophical studies written a century earlier by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment. Kant analyzes the specificity of aesthetic experience and distinguishes it from theoretical knowledge and morality, emphasizing its freedom from purpose and thus paving the way for the autonomy of the beautiful. This final...
With this book, Klaus Behnam Shad presents a provocative reflection on the possibilities and limits of universal ethics, which, particularly in the form of human rights, currently serve to legitimize a wide range of humanitarian interventions. On the one hand, Behnam Shad goes beyond the usual ethnological concern with research-practical moral questions and, on the other hand, beyond the empirical investigation of moral problems of actors in the context of recent anthropology of morality. Rather, he exposes himself and the...
The present studies should serve to make thoughtful people tempted to study Schopenhauer's work and his pessimism on the basis of the unillusioned and unembellished presented human condition as a thoroughly altruistic alternative to the naive and pernicious positivism of modern consumer society. Details Title: Thus Passed the Glory of the World Subtitle: 3 studies on Arthur Schopenhauer - philosopher with uncomfortable truths Author: Dr. Bruno Schmitz Edition: 1st edition Published: 1st edition 26.11.2015 Department: Philosophy Product Type: Book (Hardcover)...