Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Anniversary Edition | 10 years publication series of the Hessian legal profession
The Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association has been holding a student essay competition on current legal topics for 10 years now. The number of works submitted, but especially their high quality, confirms our concern to offer students a suitable forum and to send Hessian impulses into the legal world. We are pleased that some of the topics of the previous competitions and the works submitted have now gained importance far beyond Hesse. With various contributions to the questions we...
A water pipe that purifies its contents as it flows? A coating that breaks down air pollutants as they flow by? A surface that disinfects itself and keeps itself clean? What sounds like science fiction becomes possible with the photocatalyst titanium dioxide. Under UV light, titanium dioxide is able to purify air and water, kill bacteria on its surface and break down fats. Although these properties have been known since the 1970s, the breakthrough of photocatalytically active titanium dioxide is...
"There is no end to the making of many books!" This quote from Ecclesiastes 12 could be used to comment on the appearance of new literature on Cologne during World War II. However, it does not apply to the time of the First World War. A detailed description of this part of Cologne's history has so far been missing - although a book about Düsseldorf during the First World War was already available in 1927. This study aims to fill...
More than 200 years have passed since Adam Smith described the theory of compensating wage differentials. Although theory offers a simple yet compelling explanation for wages associated with job characteristics, the empirical evidence is conflicting. So why do workers with disadvantageous working conditions earn less and not more? The theory of compensating wage differentials assumes a perfect labor market, which is not to be found in reality. The approach presented is to remove some of the assumptions. This results in...
The fate of an individual is often not given enough attention in the historical context, often due to a lack of sources. How did Transylvanian Saxons who had decided to become teachers and pastors perceive their personal development? What impression did the happy and sad events of both their own lives and of world history make on them? A family book that was found in October 2005 in almost unedited condition provides answers to these questions in biographies from the...
In Wilde's works, especially the art-theoretical essays, aptly summarized under the title Intentions, his desire for tolerance and artistic freedom runs through. This claim to autonomy for the art sphere is based on philosophical studies written a century earlier by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment. Kant analyzes the specificity of aesthetic experience and distinguishes it from theoretical knowledge and morality, emphasizing its freedom from purpose and thus paving the way for the autonomy of the beautiful. This final...
Gimmler, Karl-Heinz | Gimmler Logistik Stiftung
Cargo fraud and embezzlement in road transport in Germany
Road freight transport is becoming more and more the focus of criminals. The procedures are becoming more and more well thought out. A special type of theft of goods is fraud. There is currently only little empirical knowledge about the extent of cargo fraud and embezzlement in Germany. This is where the survey of transport and insurance companies comes in, with information from other parties such as police authorities, detective agencies and freight exchange operators also being included. Based on...
This work considers the simulation of premixed combustion with regard to the application in stationary gas turbines and future aero engines. With respect to the pollutant reduction of current devices as well as complementary technologies in the context of renewable energies, premixed flames are of increasing importance but exhibit reduced stability properties compared to conventional non-premixed systems. Regarding this, the simulation can provide detailed insight into the physical mechanisms for scientific research as well as help in the design of...
According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), around 5 million people in Germany are exposed to harmful noise at their workplace, which in many cases leads to secondary diseases. But would we also think of the profession of a teacher with such a statement? The maximum values recommended for mental activity according to DIN are 35 to 45 dB(A); in fact, noise levels of up to 80 dB were measured in school classes. However, these physical measured values...
The interaction of flames and combustion chamber walls occurs in almost all common technical combustion systems. Incomplete combustion leads to an increased formation of pollutants in the area close to the wall. Current developments to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines and aircraft engines are often based on reducing combustion chambers while maintaining or increasing performance. The more compact combustion chambers increase the surface-to-volume ratio, so that the flame-wall interaction will become more important in future combustion system developments....
The automobile with a combustion engine forms a fundamental part of our transport system and will retain this importance in the years to come. The development of even more efficient engines is therefore an important field of research. In the field of gasoline engines, charge stratification by means of multiple injection offers particular potential for this. The aim of this work is to investigate the internal engine processes with a focus on identifying possible causes of cycle-to-cycle fluctuations. For this...
The energy conversion in combustion engines plays an important role both for the flow of goods and for individual transport. From the point of view of the scarcity of raw materials and the constant growth in population, a detailed understanding of the physical relationships is necessary in order to be able to carry out this conversion process with optimal efficiency and thus efficient use of resources. The aim of this work is to gain a deeper understanding of the internal...