Anniversary Edition | 10 years publication series of the Hessian legal profession
- Brand: Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
- Availability: In stock
- SKU: 9783863762131
The Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association has been holding a student essay competition on current legal topics for 10 years now. The number of works submitted, but especially their high quality, confirms our concern to offer students a suitable forum and to send Hessian impulses into the legal world....
The Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association has been holding a student essay competition on current legal topics for 10 years now. The number of works submitted, but especially their high quality, confirms our concern to offer students a suitable forum and to send Hessian impulses into the legal world. We are pleased that some of the topics of the previous competitions and the works submitted have now gained importance far beyond Hesse. With various contributions to the questions we had advertised, we were able to get to the heart of the current social and legal discussions and present significant food for thought for the debate.
The range of essay competitions over the last 10 years is varied . The topics always had a connection (not always recognizable at first glance) to Hesse; they were often legally explosive. On the occasion of the 10th essay competition and thus also the 10th volume of the series of publications, the contributions of all award winners from volumes 1 to 10 are reproduced in this anniversary volume. The essay competitions in detail: Volume 1 "German legal training under the influence of the Bologna process", Volume 2 "Electronic tag - curse or blessing of criminal policy", Volume 3 "Swimming with fingerprint", Volume 4 "Cultural flat rate, cultural value mark or three strikes and you are out: How should creativity be dealt with on the Internet?”, Volume 5 “From court control to satisfying society’s need for information – is there a functional change in the ‘publicity of court proceedings’ (§ 169 GVG)?”, Volume 6 "Deals in criminal proceedings - Can an accused "buy his freedom" in criminal proceedings?", Volume 7 "Is the current assembly law still up to date?", Volume 8 "Internet crime is booming - Does the criminal code need an update?", Volume 9 "Help - my Judge wears a burqa”, volume 10 “Proposals for reforming asylum law in Germany”.
- Title: Jubilee edition - 10 years publication series of the Hessian legal profession
- Subtitles: The complete entries of the winners of all essay competitions in the years 2009 - 2018.
- Author: Alexander Claudius Brandt, Annemarie Hoffmann, Barbara Reid, Benjamin Beck, Bianca Biernacik, Carsten Klaus Klang, Christina Haul, Christoph Klaus Klang, Constantin Blanke-Roeser, Constantin Hartmann, Dr. Benedikt Beckermann, Dr. Benjamin Broecker, Dr. Sebastian J. Golla, Falko Maxin, Hanjo Hamann, Hao-Hao Wu, Helene Opris, Isabell Härer, Jan Ischdonat, Jan Nicolas Höbel, Jan P. Steckel, Julia Hagenkötter, Julian Gericke, Julian Seidl, Julius Adler, Katharina Nowak, Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, Lara Ueberfeldt, Laura Maria Wastlhuber, Lennart Franke, Marina Promies, Martin Göttgen, Martin Heuser, Martin Meier, Matthias Friehe, Michael Göbel, My Hanh Pham, Neel Herold, Philipp Bernard Orphal, Pia Reinhold, Rahel M. K. Diers, Rebecca Aigner , Rebekka Schütz, Sarah Sophie Dittmann, Sophia Klimanek, Stephan Klenner, Sven Lehmann, Tobias Wickel, Turmandach Zeh, Ute Teichgräber, Yoan Hermstrüwer
- Series: Series of publications by the Hessian Bar Association
- Edition: 1st edition
- Volume: Anniversary Edition
- Publisher: Dr. Mark C Hilgard
- Reviewer: Dr. Benjamin Krause, Dr. Helmut Fifsinn, Dr. Klaus Maier, Dr. Rainald Gerster, Dr. Stefan Fuhrmann, Prof. Dr. Alexander Peukert, Prof. Dr. Britta Bannenberg, Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Ulfrid Neumann, Prof. Dr. Joachim Zekoll, LL.M., Prof. Dr. Viola Schmid, Lawyer Prof. Dr. Roland Fritz
- Published: 1st edition 14.05.2019
- Subject: Law
- Product Type: Book (Hardcover)
- Product type: collection
- Language: German
- Binding: Softcover (paperback)
- Dimensions: 21.0 x 14.8 cm (DIN A5)
- Scope: 2101 pages
- Condition: New (shrink-wrapped in foil)
- Keywords: 4 OLG 13 Ss 54/18, asylum law, C-638/16 PPU, criminal migration law, Dublin cases, Dublin III regulation, European Asylum Agency, European asylum system, European asylum application procedure, European asylum law, charter of fundamental rights, Humanitarian visas, integration, integration promotion, integration courses, international protection, church asylum, convention refugees, migration, migration lottery, migration criminal law, national asylum law, non-refoulement, Munich Higher Regional Court, repatriation guidelines, referral strategy, state asylum law, criminal prosecution, visa code
Julius Adler, born in Hamburg in 1996, has been studying law at the University of Hamburg since autumn 2015, with a current focus on European and international law. He has already gained professional experience abroad, including in Bern , Athens and Çeşme. The nearest station is Chicago. (Prizewinner - Volume 10)
Rebecca Aigner, born in 1996, has been studying law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main since 2015. She has been a board member of the European Law Students' Association e.V. Frankfurt am Main since August 2017 and is responsible for the Europe-wide internship program. (Prizewinner - Volume 9)
Benjamin Beck, born in Hadamar in 1987, has been studying law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main since 2007, specializing in "Law and Finance". Since February 2009 he has been at the "Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability" at the chair of Prof. Dr. dr h.c. Helmut Siekmann works as a student assistant. He also took part in the "Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot" for the Goethe University in 2009/10 and received the "Frédéric Eisemann Award - Prevailing Team in Oral" with his team. (Prizewinner - Volume 2)
Dr. Benedikt Beckermann studied law at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. In his doctorate he dealt with a constitutional historical topic. He has been a legal trainee in the district of the Higher Regional Court in Celle since 2014. (Prizewinner - Volume 7)
Bianca Biernacik studied law at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the University of Augsburg with a focus on criminal science. She passed the first state examination in autumn 2016. She also holds the position of auditor at ELSA International on a voluntary basis. (Prizewinner - Volume 8)
Constantin Blanke-Roeser, studied law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and worked at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg while studying. In addition to copyright, his main areas of interest are general law of obligations, labor law and medical law. (Prizewinner - Volume 4)
Dr. Benjamin Bröcker studied law at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and received his doctorate there with a comparative law thesis. He has been a legal trainee in the district of the Higher Regional Court in Celle since 2014. (Prizewinner - Volume 7)
Alexander Claudius Brandt studied law with a focus on business law at the University of Bielefeld and completed his studies in February 2017 with the 1st state examination. He is currently a legal trainee at the District Court of Bielefeld. (Prizewinner - Volume 8)
Konstantin Chatziathanasiou (born 1985) studied law in Heidelberg, London and Bonn.Since 2011 he has been a trainee lawyer at the Cologne Higher Regional Court and a research associate at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn (award winner - volume 4)
Rahel M. K. Diers, born on May 9th, 1988 in Itzehoe, obtained the German-French double Abitur in 2008 before she decided to study law at the University of Heidelberg. She passed the intermediate examination as the best in the semester and switched to the University of Münster to prepare for the exam. (Prizewinner - Volume 3)
Sarah Sophie Dittmann, born in Hamburg in 1984, graduated from the Blankenese Gymnasium, studied law from 2003 to 2011 at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt and did a second degree at the Université Lumière Lyon in 2006/2007 obtained the diploma des études juridiques françaises. (Prizewinner - Volume 2)
Lennart Franke, born on December 12th, 1996, has been studying law at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena since April 2016, with a focus on German and European business law. As a member of the board of Elsa Jena, he launched the "Law in Global Cities" program in 2017, which is intended to enable talented students to network in global metropolises such as New York and Singapore. (Prizewinner - Volume 10)
Matthias Friehe studied law and philosophy in Marburg, Kaliningrad and Poitiers from 2008 to early 2014. Since March 2014 he has been a research associate at the Institute for Public Law at the Philipps University of Marburg, Chair Prof. Dr. Steffen Detterbeck. (Prizewinner - Volume 5)
Julian Gericke studied law with a focus on tax law at the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg and passed his first legal exam in spring 2014. He is currently completing his legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe. (Prizewinner - Volume 7)
Michel Göbel, born in 1995, has been studying law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main since 2015. As part of his studies, he focuses on legal philosophy and theory. (Prizewinner - Volume 9)
Martin Göttgen studied law at the University of Trier, where he is currently working as a research assistant on his dissertation on criminal procedural law. He also works as a proofreader for JuS. (Prizewinner - Volume 6)
Dr. Sebastian J. Golla studied law in Münster and Santiago de Chile and received his doctorate in 2015 from the Humboldt University in Berlin. From 2015 to 2017 legal clerkship at the Court of Appeal in Berlin, currently research assistant at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. (Prizewinner - Volume 8)
Isabell Härer studied law in Heidelberg and Tübingen with a focus on criminal science and criminal justice. Since April 2017 she has been a legal trainee at the Regional Court of Stuttgart. (Prizewinner - Volume 9)
Julia Hagenkötter, born in Warendorf in 1986, completed a one-year European voluntary service in Poland before studying law in Frankfurt (Oder) and Münster from 2007 to 2012. During the subsequent legal clerkship in Berlin, she worked, among other things, for the scientific service of the Bundestag and a law firm in New York. (Prizewinner in - Volume 5)
Hanjo Hamann studied law in Heidelberg and Hamburg and worked alongside his studies in business consulting firms in Frankfurt/M., Hamburg and Shanghai. His interests lie in particular in corporate law, behavioral research and programming. The author is currently a doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn.(Prizewinner - Volume 3)
Constantin Hartmann (born 1984) studied law and philosophy in Heidelberg and Berlin. He was a research associate at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and has been a trainee lawyer at the Berlin Court of Appeal since 2012. (Prizewinner - Volume 4)
Yoan Hermstrüwer studied law and Islamic studies in Freiburg, Paris and Bonn. His main interests are in the areas of internet law, international business law, constitutional law and social science methods in law. The author is currently a doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn. (Prizewinner - Volume 3)
Neel Herold, born on August 5th, 1997, has been studying law at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena since April 2016 with a focus on German and European business law. He is also CFO at Elsa Jena. (Prizewinner - Volume 10)
Martin Heuser studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn on a scholarship from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and worked at the philosophical seminar there alongside his studies. Since the summer semester of 2014, he has been a research associate at a chair for criminal law and legal philosophy at the University of Regensburg. (Prizewinner - Volume 5)
Jan Nicolas Höbel, born in 1986, studied politics and law with a focus on information, telecommunications and media law in Munich and Münster. In 2012 he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts. The topic of his thesis was "Paid already? From the device-dependent license fee to the budget contribution model.”. Since then he has been studying law as his main subject at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster. Before studying, Nicolas Höbel was trained as a radio editor and presenter as part of a traineeship at a local radio station in the north of Munich. He is currently working as a student assistant for press and public relations at a research institute in Münster. He is a freelance musician, composer and producer. (Prizewinner - Volume 4)
Annemarie Hoffmann studied law at the University of Cologne and at the Université Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). She is currently doing her doctorate at Bucerius Law School on a topic related to commercial criminal law. (Prizewinner - Volume 8)
Jan Ischdonat was born in Hamburg in 1979. After graduating from high school in Hamburg, he studied law at the University of Passau. This was followed by the legal preparatory service and the second state examination in Berlin. Since 2008 he has been a doctoral student and research associate at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main (Chair of Prof. Dr. Brigitte Haar, LL.M.). (Prizewinner - Volume 1)
Carsten Klaus Klang has been studying law at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg since September 2014. His main interest is civil law. He would like to focus on corporate law. (Prizewinner - Volume 9)
Christoph Klaus Klang studied law with a focus on social and labor law at the Leibniz University in Hanover. He completed his legal clerkship at the OLG Celle. He is currently an LL.M. student at the University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer in the "State and Administration in Europe" course. (Prize Winners - Volume 7 , Volume 9)
Stephan Klenner studied law at the Philipps University of Marburg from 2008 to 2013 and has been a research associate at the Institute for Public Law there since 2013. He is a doctoral scholarship holder of the Hans Seidel Foundation.(Prizewinner - Volume 6)
Sophia Klimanek is a law student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich with a focus on competition law, intellectual property and media law (award winner - volume 4)
Sven Lehmann studied law at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and is doing his doctorate there on a fundamental rights topic. Since 2012 he has been a volunteer at the student legal advice service PARAlegal e. v.
Turmandach Zeh studied law at the University of Leipzig with a focus on commercial and medical criminal law. He is currently a doctoral student at the Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Commercial Criminal Law. (Prizewinner - Volume 8)
Falko Maxin studied law at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He has been a trainee lawyer at the LG Wiesbaden since 2012. He is also working on his dissertation on the development of the law of evidence at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main. (Prizewinner - Volume 5)
Martin Meier, (born on July 19, 1994) has been studying law at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena since April 2016. As part of his university focus area studies, he specialized in criminal science. He is interested in international criminal law and criminology. (Prizewinner - Volume 10)
Katharina Nowak was born in Erfurt in 1982. After graduating from high school, she trained as a publishing clerk and then worked at Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH. Since October 2008 she has been studying law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. (Prizewinner - Volume 2)
Helene Opris studied law with a focus on criminology at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen. She passed the first state examination in spring 2015. She is currently a legal trainee in Stuttgart. (Prizewinner - Volume 7)
Philipp Bernard Orphal, who grew up in France, has been studying law since 2014, initially at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, and since 2016 at the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg, after passing his baccalauréat and Abitur in Germany tax law. In addition to his studies, as a long-time cello and drums player, he is very interested in music. (Prizewinner - Volume 9)
My Hanh Pham, born on April 10, 1995 in Passau, studied law at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and the University of Helsinki. She is interested in public law, in particular the protection of basic and human rights. She is currently working as a research associate in the area of litigation, arbitration & ADR at a major German law firm. She also volunteers at the Refugee Law Clinic Munich. (Prizewinner - Volume 10)
Marina Promies has been studying law at the University of Cologne since April 2014. She is particularly interested in public law. Since 2015 she has also been a member of the "Refugee Law Clinic Cologne", which offers legal advice for refugees. (Prizewinner - Volume 7)
Barbara Reid is a trained foreign language secretary and legal clerk. After graduating from secondary school, she began studying law at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen in 2009. She focused on criminal justice and criminology. (Prizewinner - Volume 6)
Pia Reinhold, born in Hamburg in 1996, has been studying law at the University of Hamburg since April 2015. One year at the Alma Mater Studiodorum Università di Bologna, Italy. Since October 2018 she has been specializing in international and European law.(Prizewinner - Volume 10)
Christina Haul studied law with a focus on criminal justice and criminology at the Justus Liebig University Giessen and passed the first legal exam in spring 2015. In 2013 she also trained to become a certified mediator. (Prizewinner - Volume 6)
Rebekka Schütz is a law student at the Philipps University in Marburg. Early on in her studies, she focused on national and international criminal justice. (Prizewinner - Volume 6)
Julian Seidl is studying law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. As part of his university focus area studies, he specialized in social law and migration law. As a member of the Goethe Uni Law Clinic, he voluntarily advises those seeking advice in the areas of residence, asylum and social law. (Prizewinner - Volume 10)
Jan P. Steckel studied law at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg. In the Moot Court of the Federal Labor Court in 2016, he took second place as a team. He is currently a research associate and doctoral student at the Chair of Civil Law, Labor Law and Social Security Law of Prof. Dr. Katja Nebe. (Prizewinner - Volume 9)
Ute Teichgräber studied law at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). During her legal clerkship, she worked for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, for a large law firm in Berlin and for GIZ in Beijing. She is currently a PhD student and research associate. (Prizewinner - Volume 7)
Lara Ueberfeldt began her law studies at the LMU Munich in 2008. She took part in the Willem C. Vis Moot Court, spent a year abroad at University College London, did several internships at the Munich I District Court, at Hogan Lovells International LLP and at the Bavarian State Parliament in the Landtag Office and worked at the Max Planck Institute for intellectual property and competition law. (Prizewinner - Volume 4)
Laura Maria Wastlhuber (born on October 28, 1990) studied law from 2010-2015 with a focus on legal history and legal philosophy, and from 2015-2018 value-oriented management (degree: Master of Arts) at the university Passau. The author is currently doing her doctorate in the criminal law department at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and has been a legal trainee at the Higher Regional Court in Munich since 2018. (Prizewinner - Volume 10)
Tobias Wickel has been studying law at the Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg since 2012, specializing in corporate law. In addition, he is particularly interested in criminal procedural law and commercial criminal law. (Prizewinner - Volume 6)
Hao-Hao Wu has been studying law at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich since October 2014. After working at a criminal law professorship and at the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich, he has been working for the criminal law boutique ROXIN Rechtsanwälte LLP since October 2018. He was also a board member of the Refugee Law Clinic Munich e.V. and has been a criminal law tutor for several years. He is interested in criminal law as well as asylum and immigration law
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