Political Islam has received increased attention in the media, the public and academia, particularly since the 9/11 attacks in New York. This work is dedicated to the question of how political Islam is to be defined and presents its history in Sudan. The second part of the work deals with the importance of political Islam for the civil war in Sudan, which has so far claimed and risked more than three million deaths a prognosis for the time after the...
The central subject of this study is Directive 2011/24/EU on the exercise of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare, which codifies the principles of ECJ case law on cross-border healthcare services. This study examines the extent to which the Directive succeeds in striking a balance between the interests of the Member States in maintaining the functionality and affordability of their health systems, the interests of patients in legally secure, Union-wide use of health services and the Union's goal of a European...
The period of Napoleon's continental blockade from 1806 to 1813 is presented in the literature, especially in older publications, as a period of total decline for the Hanseatic merchant class. On the basis of the data of three companies handed down in the archives of Lübeck and Hamburg and other documents from that time, the author shows that the continental blockade triggered a general trade crisis, but that it was still possible with a company policy adapted to the situation...
Terrorism first became a mass phenomenon in the Russian Revolution of 1905. The organization of the Social Revolutionary Maximalists, which at one time had more than 1000 members, introduced new tactics and techniques in the militant struggle against autocracy. During that time, terrorism became what it is today. Based on archival sources, the book tells the full story of this terrorist organization for the first time in a western language. It is recommended to all those who are interested in...
The present study provides a historical overview of the Hyâyna, Arab nomads from the Banu Hilal group, as well as information on the geography, administrative divisions and the agricultural and social sectors of the Hyâyna region. As the first detailed presentation, it deals in detail with this ethnic group and its language. It also provides valuable insights into the problem of Arabization of significant parts of Morocco between the 11th and 14th centuries. In the present case, it is not...
Rap is considered a male domain - but what is the role of women in this music genre? To what extent are ready-made clichés fulfilled or emancipative approaches created? This book deals with the extensive topic of the active and passive representation of women in the rap scene. The object of research is in particular the analysis of lyrical and visual productions of female and male interpreters and supporting actors. The focus is mainly on the German-language genre. In the...
The introduction of a single currency was the political goal pursued on the African continent when the Organization for African Unity was founded in 1963. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the possibility of implementing a single currency in Africa. The economic integration process will be at the center of the debate. i.e. the accent of this present work is not only on the single currency itself, but and much more on the path of integration that leads...
Utopia is a flight of imagination and intellect. In utopian societies, the problems of human society are solved: social injustice, exploitation and institutionalized inequality are unknown to them. Only here, it seems, can man live the true community, as formulated by the young Marx. This study tries to show a basic pattern of utopian designs: the vita communis idea, i.e. the ideal of communal life in general equality, as it is the basis of monastic communities in particular. A comparison...
Utopia is a flight of imagination and intellect. In utopian societies, the problems of human society are solved: social injustice, exploitation and institutionalized inequality are unknown to them. Only here, it seems, can man live the true community, as formulated by the young Marx. This study tries to show a basic pattern of utopian designs: the vita communis idea, i.e. the ideal of communal life in general equality, as it is the basis of monastic communities in particular. A comparison...
We know almost everything about individual nerve cells and the knowledge about the function of entire brain regions is increasing every day. However, if we look for explanations of the functions of cell clusters with thousands or even millions of neurons, then there is a gaping void. We do not know it. Or rather, we didn't know, because this book develops and describes the signal processing and the way information is stored in our brain and in neural networks in...
The present book follows the emerged view and growing awareness of the enhancing and discouraging effects in recent years that institutions may play for the female labor force participation. These institutions encompass formal and informal social rules and norms (customs, traditions, codes of conduct). The aim of this work is to examine the effect of several such social institutions (formal and informal constraints) imposed on women, which were provided by the OECD Social Institutions and Development Database (GID) and are...
The development of the European security architecture in the post-bipolar period is subject to immense economic fluctuations and dynamics in terms of security policy, which came to the fore after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the communist bloc. Turkey, which belonged to the Western camp during the "Cold War", today, like the European Union, sees itself facing major challenges in maintaining security policy stability within its sphere of interest. Asymmetric warfare, wars of the 'third...