Members of "Generation Y" are highly educated, flexible, demanding - and few and far between. In the "war for talents" it will therefore be crucial as an employer to get into the mindsets of these high potentials and to stay there. Two suitable measures are the HR management disciplines of Employer Branding (EB) and Talent Relationship Management (TRM). Ideally combined. Surprisingly, the topic is still neglected or even completely ignored in the specialist literature. The present work closes this gap....
In view of the long tradition of research into human decision-making behavior, it is surprising that our understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying childhood decision-making behavior is still in its infancy. This book provides a comprehensive methodological and empirical overview of the current status of decision-making research with children. Based on this, the theoretical debate about the cognitive mechanisms of decision-making that is currently being conducted in decision-making research with adults is expanded by a developmental-psychological perspective: An understanding of...
The later generation of Holocaust survivors is looking for a past that is often unknown to them, but which nevertheless has far-reaching consequences for their own biography. Memories are prerequisites for the formation of identity, and it is precisely for this reason that the memory work of the second generation of Holocaust literature seems interesting. This work deals for the first time with the following questions: How does this past find its way into your literary work? How are your...
We know almost everything about individual nerve cells and the knowledge about the function of entire brain regions is increasing every day. However, if we look for explanations of the functions of cell clusters with thousands or even millions of neurons, then there is a gaping void. We do not know it. Or rather, we didn't know, because this book develops and describes the signal processing and the way information is stored in our brain and in neural networks in...
"It is the great achievement of Martin Wassermair to have identified a historical place in which continuity and rupture, complexity and simplicity in the process of formation and deformation are clearly manifested. Performances of ' Fidelio' did not only take place at such central reference points of Austrian self-discovery as in the years 1955 and 1945. Through Beethoven, the social-democratic workers' movement connected with the bourgeois nation - but at that time the German nation, and Beethoven is also recognizable as...
This book is a collection of three essays contributing to the empirical literature on inequality and female labor force participation in developing countries. The first essay is an extension to the analysis of benefit incidence of public expenditures. Using data for Kenya it shows how different household needs for government services ought to be incorporated into the analysis to get an improved understanding of the distributional implications of public spending. The second essay revisits the hypothesis that female labor force...
content The so called “European Migrant Crisis” of 2015 has renewed the attention of European leaders, and especially the German government, for Africa. The ambitious goal of Germany's "Marshall Plan for Africa" is to support private sector activity on the continent and ultimately reduce unwanted migration to Europe. This book offers a review of the “economic development against migration” narrative with a focus on Germany. Starting out from a macro-perspective it first looks at the general relationship between foreign direct...
Auto-ignition of hydrocarbons in turbulent flow environments plays a key role in many engineered combustion systems. The ignition in diesel or HCCI engines is specifically initiated by these complex processes and thus serves millions of individual locomotion. However, self-ignition processes also have unwanted phenomena, e.g. B. as knocking in gasoline engines is highly relevant. The subject of this thesis is the experimental investigation of the self-ignition of hydrocarbons in turbulent flows with the aim of describing these spatiotemporally highly dynamic...
In many technical applications such as internal combustion engines or gas turbine combustion chambers, there is an interaction between the flame and the combustion chamber walls. In these areas, incomplete combustion with increased pollutant formation and reduced efficiency can occur due to a strong enthalpy withdrawal in the flame. A complete understanding of the flame-wall interaction (FWI) that takes place in this process is not yet available and is therefore the subject of current research. Within the scope of this...
Empirical, i.e. qualitative social research has set itself the task of reconstructing biographical processing patterns of learning processes, in the sense of concrete actions and statements, between social groups/institutions and the individual himself. The focus of interest is always the human being himself, with his individual experiences, his subjective and selective perception as well as his interpersonal interaction. In addition, overall social contexts are analyzed in order to be able to draw conclusions about the interrelationship between society and social...
From the original 19th-century philosophical, scientific and literary texts, we have seen how the first professional female novelists under Queen Victoria's tutelage have succeeded in shaping readers' minds. This research focuses on Victorian prose that has either won the esteem of its contemporary audience and/or has been popularized by 20th- and 21st-century critics. Conservative efforts to educate young Victorian minds through 'quality literature' according to high standards of morality were hampered in the second half of the 19th century by...
The larger insulating material thicknesses, the demands on the aesthetics of a flat roof structure and larger spans have led to the development of the fully insulated, prefabricated Multibox element as a flat roof. Due to the arrangement of the load-bearing wooden elements between the vapor barrier and the roof skin without a rear ventilation level, the construction is not unproblematic from a building physics point of view. In addition, the number of cases of damage to such constructions has...