
Showing 109 to 120 of 362 items

The concept of postmodernism has become a central concept in the humanities discourse since the 1970s. Together with the term poststructuralism, it describes a departure from the basic intellectual assumptions of modernity. What is often overlooked, however, is that the term has a different meaning in the philosophical context than in the original literary context. While the concept of philosophical postmodernism was constituted in contrast to the ideas of the Enlightenment, the concept of postmodernism was originally used in literature...


This book contributes to the empirical literature on poverty, mortality and labor supply in developing countries. Each of the three essays included in this book make use of new household data sets that were collected to innovatively address a well-defined research problem. The first chapter investigates the relationship between undernutrition and child mortality in sub-Sahara Africa and explains why children around Lake Victoria have very low chances to survive up to age 5 despite being extremely wellnourished. The second chapter...


With this book you will get to know the E-Bilanz in connection with the SAP software. Strictly speaking, the e-balance sheet is an attachment to the tax return. Tax valuations in the form of balance sheet and income statement data are to be transmitted electronically to the tax authorities. This book is your companion when it comes to issues such as legally required taxonomy, SAP general ledger accounting (classic or new) or e-balance sheet software (SAP standard versus possible add-on...


With this book you will get to know the E-Bilanz in connection with the SAP software. Strictly speaking, the e-balance sheet is an attachment to the tax return. Tax valuations in the form of balance sheet and income statement data are to be transmitted electronically to the tax authorities. This book is your guide when it comes to issues such as legally required taxonomy, SAP general ledger accounting (classic or new) or e-balance sheet software (SAP standard versus possible add-on...


The drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) is an endangered, terrestrial primate endemic to the Lower Guinean rainforests between the Cross and Sanaga Rivers and on the island of Bioko in Central Africa. Rarely studied in the wild, the current status and ecological needs of the species are poorly understood. The book presents data on drill diet, seed handling, group size and structure, and conservation status from a study in the Korup National Park, Cameroon. Ecological findings are compared to reports from the...


Simulation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is based on the Bloch equation. Solving the Bloch equation numerically is not difficult, but realistic imaging experiments bear a high computational burden. In his dissertation, Cristoffer Cordes presents simulation methods that exploit hardware restrictions and the common structure of MRI sequences while not enforcing any approximations. These strategies use the reoccurrence of radiofrequency pulses, partial availability of analytical solutions, a reformulation of the problem in Fourier space and finally an inclusion of the...


Since the middle of the 12th century, marriage between Christians and Gentiles was customarily forbidden in the Catholic Church due to Impedimentum disparitas cultus (the difference in religion). Nevertheless, marriage was possible if the partner had previously converted. If this requirement was not fulfilled, the marriage was declared invalid even after the marriage had already taken place. In medieval society, the issue of marriage law was a very controversial subject. The problem is illustrated using the works of Wolfram von...


Many questions remain in the design and evaluation of automated cleaning processes for surgical instruments. This work describes a model for evaluating the process and its optimization. A total of sixteen influencing factors (measuring method, machine, process parameters) on the cleaning result are statistically examined. Tests are carried out in parallel using various measuring methods (TOC, BCA) and test soiling on self-constructed, demountable test specimens. The results are compared with processes in clinics. A simplified model of practical process evaluation...


The legal bases are explained in practice for the following areas of business administration: Commercial Law Commercial purchase and contract of sale Corporate law - forms for sole proprietorships Patent Law Trademark Design right Insolvency law Environmental Law This book is primarily aimed at teachers and students of economics and anyone interested in learning about the legal foundations of business administration. It deals with the basics in various areas of law, tailored to the daily work practice in companies. The...


Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children according to the Basic Law. In this role, parents act every day in many situations as representatives of their underage offspring. They decide, among other things, about attending a childcare facility, choosing a school, drug treatments and feeding the child. Ultimately, however, it is the child who bears the short- and long-term consequences of their parents' decision-making processes. This book therefore focuses on the parental decision-making process with its various components...


This study report examines the emergency service of public and private ambulance services in Namibia. The structure, allocation and location of the emergency services and the resulting behavior of the population are the focus of the research. The investigation uses a policy analysis to describe and explain the system configuration at the time of the survey and the emergence of the system. To achieve this, the policy cycle as well as the policy network get subjected to a consideration and...


The demographic change forced Germany and other industrialized countries to bring their pension systems back on a sustainable track. This development has increased the responsibility of each individual regarding old-age income. The affected individuals are forced to intensify their savings to close the increasing gap between public pension income and the standard of living experienced during one's working life. This book investigates several empirical and methodological aspects of households' saving behavior including some in relation to the background of the...
