Psychological stress and stress have developed into serious health stress factors. Employees are increasingly stressed. In stress research, stress is considered an unspecific reaction of the organism to any demands, a subjectively intensely unpleasant state of tension. This arises from the fear that a situation cannot be adequately controlled and that avoiding it is considered important. Persistent, chronic, negative stress can cause various illnesses and burn-out. When the energy reserves are used up, the ability to perform and concentrate, as...
Psychological stress and stress have developed into serious health stress factors. Employees are increasingly stressed. In stress research, stress is considered an unspecific reaction of the organism to any demands, a subjectively intensely unpleasant state of tension. This arises from the fear that a situation cannot be adequately controlled and that avoiding it is considered important. Persistent, chronic, negative stress can cause various illnesses and burn-out. When the energy reserves are used up, the ability to perform and concentrate, as...
Economy and society are placing increasingly higher expectations on people. At the same time, more and more people feel compelled to push the limits of their own capabilities, both at work and in their free time. It is often not possible to permanently meet the high expectations. Many of those affected "burn out internally" and suffer over time from the consequences of burn-out syndrome (about 25% of workers). They often find themselves overwhelmed and, over time, exhibit dangerous symptoms. Typical...
Economy and society are placing increasingly higher expectations on people. At the same time, more and more people feel compelled to push the limits of their own capabilities, both at work and in their free time. It is often not possible to permanently meet the high expectations. Many of those affected "burn out internally" and suffer over time from the consequences of burn-out syndrome (about 25% of workers). They often find themselves overwhelmed and, over time, exhibit dangerous symptoms. Typical...
Regular physical activity is the most important influencing factor affecting a person's health and well-being and is considered an essential prerequisite for a health-oriented upbringing of children and adolescents. In order to generate a comprehensive awareness of physical activity and health, effective training programs are necessary. These are to be used above all where all children and young people can be reached with a range of physical activities - at school. Based on previous fitness training models, this book is...
History has witnessed forests shaping human civilization from the ancient times to the industrial ages and after. In recent years, the world's forests have staged more prominent roles in our society. That the year 2011 has been declared as the International Year of Forests by the United Nations reveals a bold statement on such importance. The forests of Indonesia are in particular; stakes placed upon are diverse and often conflicting, not only from local or national levels but also from...
They are dreams, places of refuge and at the same time the mirror of our world: parallel worlds have always run through our cultural memory and manifest themselves in fantastic ways in literature and film. Hayao Miyazaki, one of the most famous anime directors, has embraced the creation of parallel worlds in his work in the most diverse and diverse ways. His award-winning films such as "Spirited Away", "Princess Mononoke" or "Howl's Moving Castle" are particularly suitable for examining the...
TheWigalois of Wirnt von Grafenberg describes the life of Gawein's son Gwigalois. The main plot is preceded by a backstory about the protagonist's parents, while the narrative ends with a wish for a sequel about the exploits of Gawein's grandson, Lifort Gawanides. The present study takes its starting point from the observation that the hero's family affiliation is a fundamental motif in Wigalois. The novel not only describes a basic form of genealogical continuity through the transition from father to son....
Among the Gram-negative pathogens, Escherichia coli(E. coli) is the main cause of nosocomial infections. As a result of antibiotic therapies, resistance develops, in E. coli mainly against beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins (ESBL producers). This work describes the molecular genetic causes that contribute to the dissemination of cephalosporin resistance genes, blaCTX-M. Based on a collection of E. coli isolates from nosocomial infections, it could be shown that in addition to clonal spread of cephalosporin-resistant E. coli strains also...
This dissertation centers on the investigation of norm diffusion processes in developing countries facilitated by environmental bilateral cooperation. It particularly identifies conditions promoting the diffusion of cleaner production (CP) norms in Indonesia, supported by German and Indonesian environmental bilateral cooperation, known as the Program Lingkungan Hidup, phase II (Environmental Program-Pro LH II Project) from 2004-2008. This research acknowledges the tendency of global norms to diffuse into national politics; yet, they produce different degrees of compliance towards different states. Indeed, the...
The unions are at a crossroads. Although the much-cited crisis of the trade unions does not endanger their existence, it does require a decision regarding their function and their understanding of their role. The decision is: Do the unions accept the new balance of power between labor and capital and assume the role of a pragmatic companion to modernization, relying on derived power as an ordering factor, which is still granted to them by capital and the state? Do the...
The unions are at a crossroads. Although the much-cited crisis of the trade unions does not endanger their existence, it does require a decision regarding their function and their understanding of their role. The decision is: Do the unions accept the new balance of power between labor and capital and assume the role of a pragmatic companion to modernization, relying on derived power as an ordering factor, which is still granted to them by capital and the state? Do the...