Even in the 21st century, depression is still a taboo subject, especially when it comes to male members of our society who are affected by this disease. In the first part of this research work, the clinical picture of depression and its multifactorial, i.e. social, cognitive and psycho(pathological) conditions of origin will be shown on the basis of a specific case. The basis for this is the narrative interview, which was previously conducted with a 26-year-old young man and from...
Courtship is a central theme of medieval poetry. However, the women are mainly negotiated as objects of exchange. The Kudrun seal occupies a special position. Even with the title "Ditz puech ist von Chaudrun" she points out the special position of women. It is structured through the courtship of four successive generations. The Kudrun poetry shows an increase from harmless to dangerous courtship. For this reason it can be assumed that in the Hilde part one can speak of an...
Across the wide range of topics in business administration, brief and concise insights are given into the often complicated subject areas that everyone is confronted with consciously or unconsciously on a daily basis. The author would like to contribute to the reader understanding certain connections better in order to then apply newly gained insights in daily work practice. The following organizational basics are explained in relation to practice: Psychology Moderation Time management and self-organization Modern HR Modern Marketing Cost Accounting...
Since the beginning of the reform and opening-up policy, China has confirmed its ability to change through very high economic growth and relatively low inflation rates. The People's Bank of China, as the Chinese central bank, has made an outstanding contribution to economic development through its monetary policy. Due to the different economic and financial structure compared to Western countries, the functioning and logic of Chinese monetary policy is characterized by a number of special features. This book provides an...
The cluster concept is associated with great hopes for growth and the resulting positive employment and income effects at regional level. Due to a concentration of companies and organizations in the same industry, competitive advantages can arise for the local companies, but these do not necessarily have to be permanent. Nevertheless, in anticipation of positive regional development, cluster funding has established itself as a central component of economic policy in recent years. Based on three case studies of the packaging...
For the first time in the history of European integration, the Treaty of Lisbon allows a member country to leave the EU without giving a reason. What consequences could the exit option have? Can it be assumed that the member countries will not consider leaving the EU because EU membership has been so advantageous up to now? Or will the end of the European integration process be heralded with the now explicit option to leave? Could the right to withdraw...
The amount of regional information in the Russian textbooks for the German language was and remains large. The textbooks for the German language provide valuable information about cultural and public life in Germany. Certain information through the intense recovery is stereotyped. The subject of this thesis is what images of Germany are presented in Russian school textbooks in the period 1986-2006 and whether these images have survived to this day. The study shows whether modern textbooks show a differentiated image...
Recently, technical supervision has become significantly more important. The reasons for this include the increasing shifting of non-ministerial tasks to subordinate authorities, the privatization of public tasks and the frequent interdepartmental cooperation between ministries. Ultimately, official technical supervision is increasingly proving to be a management and control instrument in the field of public administration. The author carries out a comprehensive systematization of the technical supervision in the currently existing system, but at the same time shows ways to a new...
content Mountain hiking as an option at school is not yet a very common activity, although hiking can be traced back thousands of years. Hiking days at school often do not take place as classic “hikes”, but are used as general days out to museums or cinemas. Exercise in nature is particularly important for young people who grow up in a media world that is far removed from nature and spend many hours of their school days sitting.Based on this...
The problem of publicity when assigning chattels as security is as old as the assignment itself. The loan collateral, which is often used in practice, seems to function smoothly for the most part. A closer look, however, reveals a number of weaknesses and dogmatic distortions due to the lack of publicity. Last but not least, the German security assignment must also be able to be measured in an international perspective. It is precisely here that Germany is largely isolated with...
The dissertation is dedicated to case law on the law of endowment life insurance, which is in constant change and further development, and addresses the implications for individual and collective interests of policyholders resulting from this case law. The theoretical foundations of individual and collective interests presented in endowment life insurance and shown why there is a tension between interests and how the anticipatory legislator tries to resolve this tension. Subsequently, on the basis of four main topics, the case...
Competitive sport, state security and doping are the terms that dominated the public and scientific discussion about sport in the GDR for a long time. This work on mass sport breaks with the prevailing patterns of interpretation in several respects. On the one hand, with the area of non-performance-oriented sport, it turns to a research field that is less well known to the public. On the other hand, with the application of the everyday historical approach of the "participatory dictatorship"...