Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 05 | From court control to meeting society's need for information
The present volume 5 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2013 on the subject "From the control of the court to the satisfaction of the information needs of society - is there a functional change in the 'public' of court proceedings ' (§ 169 GVG)?“. Prof. Dr. dr h.c. Ulfried Neumann, Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Legal Philosophy and Legal...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 06 | deals in criminal proceedings
The present volume 6 of the publication series of the Hessian Lawyers' Foundation is based on a student essay competition on the topic "Deals in criminal proceedings" advertised by the foundation in 2014 - Can an accused "buy himself free" in criminal proceedings? Prof. Dr. Britta Bannenberg, Professor of Criminology, Juvenile Justice and Correctional Services at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, selected the six works presented here from the many submissions from all over Germany in the essay competition;...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 07 | From Brokdorf to Blockupy and Pegida
The present volume 7 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the Foundation in 2015 on the topic "From Brokdorf to Blockupy and Pegida. Is the current assembly law still up to date?“.Dr. Rainald Gerster, President of the Frankfurt Administrative Court and Dr. Stefan Fuhrmann, Chief Magistrate Director, Head of the Legal Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, selected the six works presented here...
The present volume 8 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2016 on the topic "Internet crime is booming - does the criminal code need an update?" Dr. Benjamin Krause, public prosecutor at the Central Office for Combating Cybercrime (ZIT) of the General Public Prosecutor's Office in Frankfurt am Main, selected the six works presented here from the many submissions from all over...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 09 | Help - my judge wears a burqa
The present volume 9 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2017 on the topic "Help - my judge wears a burqa". Dr. Klaus Maier, judge at the Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court, selected the seven works presented here from the many submissions from all over Germany in the essay competition; the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association awarded it a monetary...
On the order of a few nanometers, silicon shows new properties. What is special about nanocrystalline silicon is the occurrence of quantum effects. In this diploma thesis it was examined whether certain nanostructures, such as a superlattice with silicon nanocrystals, are suitable for photovoltaics or whether quantum effects could be used for energy conversion. For this purpose, nine different solar cells with quartz glass (as a non-photoactive substrate) were produced in order to make the photovoltaic effect of nanostructures accessible...
Even 20 years after the fall of the Wall, the phenomenon of east-west migration within Germany is still of great importance. The extent and the selectivity of these migration movements reached unimagined dimensions. Against this background, this thesis analyzes and answers two of the economically relevant questions that arise in this context: the question of the macroeconomic determinants of east-west migration and the question of the future extent of these migration movements. Details Title: East-West migration in reunified Germany Subtitle:...
As a result of the increasing capital requirements of non-listed companies and the continuously increasing investment needs of institutional and private investors, private equity covers a segment of the capital market that has been growing for decades. The private equity companies (PEG) see themselves as active insider investors who take on evaluation and selection functions, transaction execution, support and exit functions in the investment process. The risks associated with this, in particular the issues of portfolio building by PEGs, were...
Rage, desire, inhibition, tension, representation, poetry, definition, screaming, whispering, fantasizing, specifying and telling. Twelve authors, twelve perspectives, twelve insights. This first volume of the writing competition Scribere brings together poems, short stories and articles on the question: What does writing mean? Details Title: Scriber Subtitle: What does writing mean? Author: Alexander Martin Sieber, Anne-Christin Schicketanz, Anton Gsell, Armin Scheben, Bernd Hoffmeister, Claudia Paal, Daniela Schmidt, Johannes Mueller, Josi Schlichting, Julia Lietzau, Luisa Volkhausen, Rune Baruschke Row: Scriber Edition: 1st edition...
Gimmler, Karl-Heinz | Gimmler Logistik Stiftung
Volume 1 | Service level agreements in contract logistics
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) have increasingly become a best practice component of logistics contracts. However, there is currently only little empirical knowledge about the actual spread and design of SLAs. This is where the wide-ranging survey of German contract logistics companies, which was initiated together with the Gimmler Logistik Stiftung gGmbH, comes in. Based on the survey results, approaches to optimizing the use of SLAs are worked out from the point of view of the logistics company. The Gimmler Logistik...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 10 | Proposals for the reform of the asylum law in Germany
The present volume 10 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the Foundation in 2018 on the topic "Proposals for the reform of asylum law in Germany". Lawyer Prof. Dr. Roland Fritz, M.A., former President of the Administrative Court in Frankfurt am Main, and Dr. Stefan Fuhrmann, Chief Magistrate Director and Head of the Legal Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, selected the seven...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 11 | Much ado about nothing?
The present volume 11 of the publication series of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2019 on the topic "Much ado about nothing? A firework of arguments on collective punishment in sport”. Prof. Dr. Anne Jakob, specialist lawyer for sports law, and Dr. Jörg Dauernheim, co-editor of the "Reichert-Handbuch des Vereins- und Verbandsrechtes", selected the four works presented here from the many submissions from all over Germany...