Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Wehrlin | ABWL & Innovation
ABWL 06 | Corporate Performance Management | 3rd Edition
The economic and social events in companies, organizations, administrations, universities and colleges are essentially determined by the thoughts and actions of numerous people working together. The person or employee represents "the most important capital" of the company. The company management and in particular the strategy-oriented management and team-oriented cooperation of employees at all hierarchical levels increasingly determines the success of companies and institutions. For example, the innovations required to strengthen competitiveness are brought about by the successful cooperation of people....
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Wehrlin | ABWL & Innovation
ABWL 07 | Corporate Performance Management | 1st edition
The economic and social events in companies, organizations, administrations, universities and colleges are essentially determined by the thoughts and actions of numerous people working together. The person or employee represents "the most important capital" of the company. The company management and in particular the strategy-oriented management and team-oriented cooperation of employees at all hierarchical levels increasingly determines the success of companies and institutions. For example, the innovations required to strengthen competitiveness are brought about by the successful cooperation of people....
The book retail industry is changing. With the rise of the internet and e-books, the stationary book trade is confronted with a precarious situation, which results in numerous business closures and insolvencies year after year. The big retailers Thalia, Mayersche, Hugendubel and Co. have now started to reduce the number of their branches after years of expansion policy. The remaining businesses are evolving more and more from bookstores to media houses, which increasingly offer DVDs, toys and other non-book items....
Fuel cells are a promise for the future thanks to modern technology and still great potential for improvement. At this point, this work begins and develops a new class of materials with regard to their use in fuel cells. The resulting composite is in the form of a thin and flexible membrane and is described in terms of its construction. The description explains the material properties and finds the optimal parameters for using the membranes as an electrolyte in a...
Since the beginning of space travel, an enormous amount of man-made garbage has accumulated in space, so-called space debris. This scrap poses an ever-increasing threat to satellites and spacecraft. Even centimeter-sized particles can develop destructive force in a collision with a satellite. The space-based detection of space debris was defined as the secondary objective of DLR's astronomical mission AsteroidFinder, the primary objective of which is to detect near-Earth asteroids. The space-based observation has the advantage that no atmosphere can interfere...
Refugees face social and legal rejection in Germany. The reason for this lies in the attempt to deport asylum seekers and tolerated persons - despite years of residence in Germany - instead of integrating them. This exclusion from the German host society has a major impact on the labor market opportunities of refugees. This thesis uses interviews with employers to show what influence "equal access" to the labor market has on the employment opportunities for many refugees and those with...
Azerbaijan has gained in importance in recent years, not least due to oil and gas exports. The global players in the energy sector compete for access to fossil energy resources. The country's geopolitical location between Russia, Turkey and Iran also gives Azerbaijan a prominent role in the current international conflicts. In view of this, it is surprising that there is no intensive political science engagement with Azerbaijan in Germany. This publication aims to contribute to closing this gap. For this...
Company acquisitions are the order of the day in the business world. However, they often do not meet the expectations placed on them. This dissertation focuses on two opposing perspectives that serve to analyze acquisition success or acquisitionfailure: On the one hand, it could be that the management of the acquiring company has possible synergies in mind. On the other hand, there is a risk that management will overestimate its own ability to realize synergies. In this case, there is...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 01 | The German legal education under the influence of the Bologna process
Against the background of the Bologna process and based on current law studies, the work analyzes the current reform models for the introduction of a bachelor's/master's structure in German legal education. The reform proposals, which vary in detail, are systematized by means of a comparative overview and traced back to the essential conceptual questions. In this way, the advantages and disadvantages of the different reform models can be examined in more detail. Finally, considerations on the reform of the legal...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 02 | Electronic ankle bracelet. Curse or blessing of criminal policy?
In view of the broad discussion and in the light of the Hessian project, the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association announced a student essay competition and awarded the "Prize of the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association". The participants were called upon to critically examine and constructively pursue one or more fundamental questions triggered by the electronic tag. The contributions received were judged by a jury consisting of lawyer Thomas Scherzberg, chairman of the Hessian criminal defense association and...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 03 | Swimming with fingerprint?
The Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association has given its student essay competition an unusual title this time. Biometrics is certainly not a topic that young lawyers deal with intensively during their training. Nevertheless, or precisely because of this, this topic had its very special charm. The contributions submitted to the foundation were approved by Prof. Dr. Viola Schmid, LL.M. (Harvard) by the department of public law (focus on cyberlaw) at the Technical University of Darmstadt. On her recommendation, two...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 04 | Cultural flat rate, cultural value mark or three strikes and you are out
In 2012, the Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association wrote a student essay competition on the subject of 'culture flat rate, cultural value mark or three strikes and you are out: how should creativity be dealt with on the internet?' and asked students to present the deficits of the applicable law or at least one of the currently discussed models de lege ferenda from a legal point of view. This volume contains the contributions of the five award winners Jan...