
Showing 121 to 132 of 136 items

The international interdependence of markets and economic relations presents the operating companies with new tasks and additional challenges. However, in intercultural economic conflicts that arise in the area of ​​tension between global integration and cultural identity, the tried-and-tested negotiation patterns and mechanisms of conflict resolution in the respective home culture quickly reach their limits. Time-consuming and costly court proceedings usually only lead to the formal clarification of legal claims by the parties involved, but are unsuitable for creating the basis...


This essay provides a historical overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and peace process. The term “Israeli-Palestinian peace process” as used hereafter describes negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians in relation to the ongoing conflict over part of the territory designated as “The Mandate of Palestine” (also known as “Mandatory Palestine”) by the League of Nations in 1922. This essay does not discuss the Israeli-Egyptian or Israeli-Jordanian peace agreements even though these developments foster a more comprehensive understanding of the Arab-Israeli conflict....


With this book, Klaus Behnam Shad presents a provocative reflection on the possibilities and limits of universal ethics, which, particularly in the form of human rights, currently serve to legitimize a wide range of humanitarian interventions. On the one hand, Behnam Shad goes beyond the usual ethnological concern with research-practical moral questions and, on the other hand, beyond the empirical investigation of moral problems of actors in the context of recent anthropology of morality. Rather, he exposes himself and the...




The starting point of this work are the traditional stereotypes about black people that are still to be found in Central Europe and, via Europe, also in large parts of the USA. Due to the comprehensive socio-cultural changes of modernity and the resulting new perspectives of what is one's own and what is foreign, the previously stable ethno-characteristic images are currently beginning to become more and more dynamic. This is where the present study comes in, which is based on...


One is generally more persuaded by the reasons one has found oneself than by those which have arisen in the minds of others."  - Blaise Pascal The active examination of the laws of nature, combined with physical knowledge, offers a wealth of learning opportunities for both physics and physical education classes. This can be implemented in a lesson that deals with the topic of sailing across subject boundaries. In this book, possibilities for interdisciplinary teaching are shown and a sample...


Founding a company presents the founder of a business with various related questions. There are u. Making decisions about the business concept, the chances of successful marketing, the legal form, the location, the organization, management, human resources management, investments and their financing or the use of possible subsidies. A successful start-up must not leave any of these questions unanswered. The details of the start-up project can be recorded in a business plan. This forms u. an important basis for decision-making...


Founding a company presents the founder of a business with various related questions. There are u. Making decisions about the business concept, the chances of successful marketing, the legal form, the location, the organization, management, human resources management, investments and their financing or the use of possible subsidies. A successful start-up must not leave any of these questions unanswered. The details of the start-up project can be recorded in a business plan. This forms u. an important basis for decision-making...


Founding or taking over a medical practice or a therapeutic practice is associated with opportunities and risks for the founder of a business or doctor or therapist. There are numerous decisions to be made with regard to relevant medical, therapeutic, economic, financial, legal, organizational, personnel, spatial, temporal and other aspects. Here, the current and future development in the healthcare system plays a central role. Every start-up is well prepared, planned and represents a sustainable, often irreversible decision with existential importance....


The successful management of a company requires certain characteristics, skills and competencies from the entrepreneur and the managers. The success-relevant characteristics of companies are the subject of numerous scientific studies. In addition to the required characteristics, these also deal with what successful entrepreneurs do better and allow building blocks of successful leadership to be derived from the knowledge gained. On this basis, leadership skills can be improved. Improving personal charisma also makes a significant contribution to the success of entrepreneurs....


The present studies should serve to make thoughtful people tempted to study Schopenhauer's work and his pessimism on the basis of the unillusioned and unembellished presented human condition as a thoroughly altruistic alternative to the naive and pernicious positivism of modern consumer society. Details Title: Thus Passed the Glory of the World Subtitle: 3 studies on Arthur Schopenhauer - philosopher with uncomfortable truths Author: Dr. Bruno Schmitz Edition: 1st edition Published: 1st edition 26.11.2015 Department: Philosophy Product Type: Book (Hardcover)...




This thesis was written in 2008 after six months of field work and data collection in South Africa. It includes a comprehensive literature review on the theory and empirics of the behavioral response to HIV looking at: (1) the relationship between HIV incidence and sexual behaviors; (2) types of evidence resulting from observational studies, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), recent creative social experiments that go beyond conventional RCTs in testing different hypothesis in the field; (3) the socio-economic characteristics of HIV...


Cities in the Global South grow fast. Infrastructure struggles to keep up with the growth. At a certain point it fails. The population of a fast growing city needs food. Therefore a close look at urban and peri-urban agriculture is necessary to provide it even if infrastructure might collapse. This book investigates the livestock production and marketing, its chances and obstacles in a fast growing city in Northern Ghana. Details Title: THE COW EATS THE CHAMELEON Subtitle: Urban and peri-urban...
