Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 12 | LegalTech: Curse or blessing for the legal profession?
The present 12th volume of the publication series of the Hessian Lawyers' Foundation is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2020 on the topic "LegalTech: Curse or blessing for the legal profession? If law is automated - what does that mean for the profession of lawyer?” Christian Solmecke, LL.M., Managing Director of the cloud-based law firm management software Legalvisio and one of the most distinguished lawyers in the field of digitization, selected the works collected...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Band 13 | Englisch, Gender-Deutsch oder Maschinen-Code – Brauchen wir eine neue Rechtssprache?
Das Medium des Rechts ist seine Sprache: Ohne Wörter und Sätze kein Paragraph und kein Gesetzbuch, kein anwaltlicher Schriftsatz und kein richterliches Urteil. Die Juristerei ist im Kern ein Kampf um Begriffe. Der diesjährigen Aufsatzwettbewerb lädt dazu ein, Rechtssprache einmal aus einer anderen Perspektive zu betrachten: In welcher Sprache sollen Gesetze formuliert sein? Mit welcher Sprache sollen Juristen Recht denken, finden und sprechen? Konkret: Ist die Rechtsprache eine Fachsprache, die nur Eingeweihten zugänglich ist und sein soll? Oder können und...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Band 14 | Ziviler Ungehorsam im 21. Jahrhundert
Manche Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb einer Zivilgesellschaft werden schnell sehr emotional geführt und ziviler Ungehorsam wird als probates und/oder (einzig?) effektives Mittel zum Erreichen oder zur Abwehr bestimmter Ziele angesehen. Hierfür stehen etwa die „68er“, „Brokdorf“, „Gorleben“, „Hambacher Forst“, „Black Lives Matter“, „Fridays for Future“ und ganz aktuell die Aktionen der „Letzten Generation“. Personen mit unterschiedlichen Wertvorstellungen begegnen sich nicht nur friedlich und unvoreingenommen im Diskurs. Die Grenzen des Rechtsstaats werden ausgetestet. Doch wo verlaufen sie? Wahrnehmung berechtigter Interessen durch friedliche Sitzblockade...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Kölner Schriften zum Friedenssicherungsrecht
Volume 5 | 10 years working group on international criminal law - birthday gifts from science and practice
The working group on international criminal law was founded in 2005. It offers a forum for the exchange of ideas between German-speaking international criminal law experts from practice and academia. The working group meets once a year. Details Title: 10 years working group on international criminal law Subtitle: Birthday gifts from science and practice Author: Prof. Dr. Claus Kress Series: Cologne writings on peacekeeping law Edition: 1st edition Band: 5 Publisher: Prof. Dr. Claus Kress Released: 1st edition 04/27/2015 Subject:...
In recent years, the effects of climate change have become the most important political issue that not only affects the ecological movement, but has long since moved onto the agenda of geopolitics - because nothing is more important than security and peace itself."Climate change is a potential threat to global peace. The book and the authors remind us that we must finally act together before it's too late is." Marcus Seyfarth, Chairman of the Foreign and Security Policy Study Groups e.V."The...
Argula von Grumbach, née von Stauff, dared to enter public space as a woman. By defending the young Magister Arsacius Seehofer, who was influenced by Lutheran ideas, she challenged not only the scholars of the University of Ingolstadt, but the entire Catholic establishment. The conference volume brings together essays that deal with the first Reformation writer as well as with her family and other female "border crossers". But it also opens numerous windows into an extremely exciting, energetic time, into...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Anniversary Edition | 10 years publication series of the Hessian legal profession
The Foundation of the Hessian Lawyers' Association has been holding a student essay competition on current legal topics for 10 years now. The number of works submitted, but especially their high quality, confirms our concern to offer students a suitable forum and to send Hessian impulses into the legal world. We are pleased that some of the topics of the previous competitions and the works submitted have now gained importance far beyond Hesse. With various contributions to the questions we...
Pharmacoepidemiological databases are a very useful tool, without which well-directed quality improvements and targeted risk management of adverse drug effects would not be possible. Data from such retrospective databases allow investigations into specific subpopulations - e.g., groups with specific diagnoses - thanks to their size and duration of observation. Regarding the quality of such data, it has been proven that carefully planned observational studies can produce results comparable to those of randomized controlled trials. This book presents eight epidemiological and...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Cologne Occasional Papers on International Peace and Security Law
Number 5 | Contemporary Issues in International Criminal and Human Rights Law
When in the summer of 2014 young legal scholars and students from Cambodia, Germany and the US gathered at the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh to participate in the iipsl Summer School 2014 on Inter-national Criminal Law and Human Rights Law a long term project of Elisa Hoven and months of preparation became reality.1 This publication bears witness to its success and brings together essays from participants and lecturers of the Summer School. Details Title: Contemporary Issues in International Criminal...
This anthology by students of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich offers access to the skeptical hermeneutics and the normality of the foreign by Hans Hunfeld from different individual and culture-specific perspectives. They range from hermeneutic self-assurances and cross-cultural studies to extensions to intercultural competence, philosophical basic work and a review of the method in the teaching context to a rich collection of reviews from the past decades and current references to practice, teaching and research. Other essays deal with anxiety at school,...
As one of the hotspots of the world in the last decade of the 1990s the Western Balkans required energetic Western engagement designed primarily to settle the conflicts and then to guide the nations in the region in creating and sustaining democratic political institutions which were expected to cushion intra-national tensions and to serve to the normalization of inter-state relations. However, despite almost two-decade-long Western guidance, assistance and conditionality, as many experts point out, the Western Balkans is still an...