Ingolstadt on the move - border crossings at the beginning of the Reformation
- Brand: Greiter, Susanne (Hg.)
- Availability: In stock
- SKU: 9783863761622
Argula von Grumbach, née von Stauff, dared to enter public space as a woman. By defending the young Magister Arsacius Seehofer, who was influenced by Lutheran ideas, she challenged not only the scholars of the University of Ingolstadt, but the entire Catholic establishment. The conference volume brings together essays that...
Argula von Grumbach, née von Stauff, dared to enter public space as a woman. By defending the young Magister Arsacius Seehofer, who was influenced by Lutheran ideas, she challenged not only the scholars of the University of Ingolstadt, but the entire Catholic establishment. The conference volume brings together essays that deal with the first Reformation writer as well as with her family and other female "border crossers". But it also opens numerous windows into an extremely exciting, energetic time, into a world of "flying words", the battle of images, disputations about the right faith, deep religiosity, the overthrow of fixed orders, a time of generational demarcations, when humanistic ideas the universities conquered and opposed the scholastic tradition. The essays by brilliant researchers from different disciplines take the reader into a turbulent period in which people for different reasons made their way to new places, in which plagues and wars threatened the cities and groundbreaking discoveries began to change the world, into a world of demarcations and border crossings at the same time. In Ingolstadt, whose cityscape is characterized by impressive buildings from this turn of the century, many paths cross - important people as well as forward-looking ideas.
- Title: Ingolstadt on the move
- Subtitle: Crossing borders at the beginning of the Reformation
- Author: Christa Syrer, Christine Zengerle, Dr. Antonia Landois, Dr. Of. Marco Benini, Dr. Fritz Dross, Dr. Johannes Pietsch, Dr. Manuel Teget-Welz, Dr. Maximilian Schuh, Dr. Peter Matheson, Dr. Ulrike Wörner, Edmund J. Hausfelder, Elisabethspitzenberger, Stephanie Righetti
- Edition: 1st edition
- Publisher: Christine Zengerle, Dr. Susanne Greiter
- Published: 1st edition 16.12.2015
- Subject: history, art
- Product Type: Book (Hardcover)
- Product type: Collection
- Language: German
- Binding: Softcover (paperback)
- Dimensions: 21.0 x 14.8 cm (DIN A5)
- Extent: 348 pages
- Condition: New (wrapped in foil)
- Keywords: Argula von Grumbach, building history, family history, humanists, Ingolstadt, Johannes Eck, Middle Ages, Peter Flötner, Reformation, reformers, Ingolstadt Castle, late Middle Ages, Stauffer on Ehrenfels, University of Ingolstadt
DR. OF. MARCO BENINI, born in Ingolstadt in 1982, worked as an altar boy in the minster parish and studied theology from 2001 to 2006 at the Catholic University in Eichstätt and in 2003 and 2004 at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of San Anselmo in Rome . He was ordained a priest in Eichstätt in 2008 and then worked as a chaplain and youth pastor in Neumarkt i. i.e. Upper Palatinate. From 2012 he was released for his doctorate in liturgical science at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, while also working as a chaplain in Pfraunfeld and Raitenbuch. In 2013 he was also appointed cathedral vicar in Eichstätt. His dissertation entitled "The Celebration of the Easter Festival in the Parish Book of Johannes Eck" was accepted by the Faculty of Theology on December 22, 2014 and will appear in the series "Liturgical Sources and Research". His publications include: Fresco in Motion. Maria de Victoria Ingolstadt. Ingolstadt 2002, Salus Populi Romani. The spread of the Roman icon throughout the world, in: Haub R./Vollnhals, I.: Pater Jakob Rem SJ. 400 years of the Mother Thrice Admirable in Ingolstadt. St. Ottilien 2004, pp. 85-99, Hymni ad usum in Liturgia Horarum. Eichstätt ²2007, "More precious than gold". The Ingolstadt Lepanto monstrance was 300 years old, in: Klerusblatt 88 (2008), pp. 221-224, Dying and Resurrection.Texts and songs to celebrate the church funeral in Regensburg 2011.
PD DR FRITZ DROSS, born in 1965, studied modern and Eastern European history and information science at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. After completing his master's degree, he worked on hospital and hospital history research projects at the Düsseldorf Institute for the History of Medicine and received his doctorate in modern history in 2002; the dissertation was awarded the science prize of the "Düsseldorfer Jonges". Since 2004 he has been working as a research assistant at the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen. In 2010 he received his habilitation there. In 2013/14 he acted as Head of the History, Ethics and Theory of Medicine department at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. The focus of his work is the history of hospitals and epidemics in the early modern city. In addition, he conducts research on the history of the Bavarian and German gynecological associations in the 20th century. Recent publications: Stigma - grace - scandal: the Nuremberg "portzel", in: Jörg Vögele (ed.): Epidemics and Pandemics in Historical Perspective, Herbolzheim: Centaurus 2015; "But I want to stroll outside, because I'm fresh, free and safe...". Leprosy practices in early modern Nuremberg, in: Guy Thewes, Martin Uhrmacher (eds.): Extra muros: Suburban spaces in the late Middle Ages and early modern times. Espaces suburbains au bas Moyen Âge et à l'époque Moderne, Cologne, Vienna: Böhlau 2015; Hospital / Hospital, in: European History Online (EGO), ed. from the Leibniz Institute for European History (IEG), Mainz 2014-03-20. URL: URN: urn:nbn:de:0159-2014031009.
SUSANNE GREITER born in 1966 in Höchstädt/Donau, studied modern and contemporary history, Eastern European and Southeast European history, Slavic studies and German studies at the LMU Munich from 1986 to 1992. Between 1992 and 1996 she was involved in various research projects at the Eastern Europe Institute and the Ifo Institute for Economic Research in Munich. After spending time abroad in Nigeria, she was included in the Federal Foreign Office's pool of experts for Africa in 1997 and in 2003 in that of the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) in Berlin. She has participated in numerous UN, EU and OSCE/ODIHR election observation missions in Africa, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. In 2009, as part of the project "Sudeten German Displaced Persons in Bavaria" at the University of Augsburg, she began her doctorate on "Flight and Expulsion in Family Memory", which she completed in 2013 at the LMU Munich. The dissertation was funded by the Collegium Carolinum in Munich. In 2012, the Ingolstadt City Museum appointed her project manager for the exhibition “Ingolstadt in Motion. Crossing borders at the beginning of the Reformation” (November 11, 2014 – February 22, 2015, Stadtmuseum Ingolstadt). She is part of a German-Polish project group working on sexualised violence in East Central Europe at the end of the Second World War. Her research focuses on different epochs and countries: Remembrance and memory, sexualized violence in armed conflicts. She lives with her family in the district of Eichstätt. Selection of publications: Bad Aibling under National Socialism. Church and communal life between resistance and adaptation, in: Contributions to the Old Bavarian Church History 41 (1994), pp. 7-88, election observation in Nigeria. Impressions of an EU/UN observer group in the states of Benue, Taraba and Bornu, February 1999, in: Afrika spectrum 33 (1998), H.3, pp. 339-349, Network "Life History Interview", in: Bulletin 151 (2011 ) of the Tolstoy Library in Munich, flight and expulsion in family memory. history and narrative.Munich 2014, Argula von Grumbach, Hofmarksherrin zu Lenting, in: 50 years of Saint Paul, published by Ev.-Luth. Parish of St. Paulus Ingolstadt (2015), pp.111-114. (Together with Elisabeth Spitzenberger).
EDMUND J. HAUSFELDER, born in 1956 in Wellheim, district of Eichstätt, graduated from the Bavarian Civil Service College, specializing in archiving, in Munich with a degree in archiving. The archive council is the deputy head of the city museum, the city archive and the scientific city library in Ingolstadt. He made numerous contributions to the collective journal of the Ingolstadt Historical Association, of which he is a board member, and to the Ingolstadt local newspapers. Other publications: Markt Wellheim – Memories in Pictures. Horb 2000, Maximilian I of Bavaria - Prince of the turning point. Ingolstadt 2001, The churches of the parish of Wellheim. Lindenberg 2002, Johann Oswald von Zimmer - A spiritual life in troubled times. Ingolstadt 2004, Ingolstadt – then and now. Horb 2012.
ANTONIA LANDOIS, born in Regensburg in 1980, studied German and history from 2001 to 2006 at the Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg. She completed her studies in 2006 with a master's degree and in 2007 she passed her first state examination for teaching at high schools in Bavaria. From 2008 to 2013, with interruptions, she was a teaching assistant at the Chair of Medieval History and Historical Auxiliary Sciences. From 2007 to 2012 she worked on her dissertation project "Scholarship and patrician status - spheres of activity of the Nuremberg humanist Sixtus Tucher (1459-1507)" with Professor Dr. Franz Fuchs. From 2009 to 2011 she received a scholarship from the Bavarian Elite Funding. From 2013 to 2014 she worked as a research assistant at the Leibniz University in Hanover and since 2014 she has been an archivist at the Bavarian Archive School (for the Nuremberg City Archive). A selection of her publications are: Scholarship and Patrician Status. Spheres of activity of the Nuremberg humanist Sixtus Tucher (1459-1507), Tübingen 2014 (Late Middle Ages Humanism Reformation Vol. 77), eloquent death, learned man - Sixtus Tucher (1459-1507) at the open grave and the question of individual expression, in : person and environment. individual consciousness? Personal profile and social environment, ed. by Angelika Westermann/Stefanie von Welser, Husum 2013, pp. 211-227, Competition of the postal teaching in Ingolstadt? On a hitherto unknown Celtis fragment, in: Humanismus in Ingolstadt, ed. by Franz Fuchs (Pirckheimer Yearbook for Renaissance and Humanism Research 27), Wiesbaden 2013, pp. 53-69, two unknown Celtis autographs from the Tucher family archive, in: Announcements from the Association for the History of the City of Nuremberg 97 (2010), p .111-124.
PROFESSOR EMER. DR PETER MATHESON, born 1938 in Castletown, Scotland, is a historian and church historian. He graduated from the Universities of Otago and Edinburgh. In 1969 he completed his doctorate in Edinburgh and in 2003 the Scottish University awarded him the academic degree of Doctor of Letters. He has taught at universities in Scotland, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. He was Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Otago from 1990 to 1992, and Principal, Theological Hall, Uniting Church in Australia from 1999 to 2005. Ormond College in Melbourne. He taught at Knox Theological College in Dunedin, New Zealand. His research focuses on the Reformation period and covers a broad spectrum. He also researches the history of National Socialism. He lives with his wife Heinke in Dunedin/New Zealand. A small selection from his extensive list of publications: Argula von Grumbach (1492-1554/7). Goettingen, 2014, Argula von Grumbach. writings. Sources and research on the history of the Reformation, Vol.83, Gütersloh, 2010, The Imaginative World of the Reformation Edinburgh. 2000 & Minneapolis, 2002, The Rhetoric of the Reformation. Edinburgh 1997 (paperback 2004), Argula by Grumbach. A Woman's Voice in the Reformation. Edinburgh 1995, The Third Reich and the Christian Churches, a documentary account of Christian resistance and complicity during the Nazi era. Edinburgh 1981, 'Women Out of Place in Early Modern Europe', in: Clive Pearson and Jione Havea (eds.): Out of Place. London 2011, pp. 11-25, ‘The Reformation as Symbol and Motor of Change in European Culture’, in: Warne, Ellen/Zika, Charles (eds.): God, the Devil, and a Millennium of Christian Culture. Melbourne 2005, pp. 25-38, "I Lyecht kum inn die Welt". Argula von Grumbach - the woman as a border crosser in the Reformation', in: Peter Freybe (ed.): Women demand Reformation. Wittenberg 2004, pp. 113-126, Cardinal Contarini at the Diet of Regensburg. Regensburg-Oxford, 1972, reprint: Wipf & Stock, 2014, The Collected Works of Thomas Müntzer, ed. and translated by Peter Matheson, Edinburgh 1988.
JOHANNES PIETSCH, born in 1971, was trained as a fashion designer and pattern technician from 1991 to 1994 and then worked as a freelance designer. From 1996 he worked for two years as a textile restorer at the Bavarian National Museum in Munich, which was followed by a degree in restoration at the Technical University of Munich until 2003. Until 2008 he directed a costume project at the Abegg Foundation in Riggisberg/Switzerland. This collection of 17th-century garments and the development of tailoring techniques during this period became his doctoral project, which he was able to complete in 2008. The focus of his extensive research is historical clothing. In addition, he worked on projects for various museums. From 2012 to 2013 he curated the exhibition "Bags - a European cultural history from the 16th to the 21st century" in the Bavarian National Museum, where he has been employed as a consultant for clothing and textiles since 2013. Recent publications: On Different Types of Women's Dresses in France in the Louis XVI Period, in: Fashion Theory. The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, Vol. 17, No. 4, September 2013, pp. 397-416, The costumes of the Moriskentänzer, in: Iris Lauterbach / Thomas Weidner (eds.): Die Münchner Moriskentänzer. Representation and performance of urban self-understanding, publications of the Central Institute for Art History in Munich, Vol. 32. Munich 2013, pp. 120-134, Taschen. A European cultural history 1500-1930. The holdings of the Bavarian National Museum. Munich 2013, European Men's Fashion Around 1660, in: Katia Johansen (ed.): Dressing a cool Belgian kid, ca. 1600, ICOM Costume Committee, Brussels 2012, pp. 14-15.
STEPHANIE RIGHETTI, born in Ingolstadt in 1985, completed her master's degree at the Catholic University of Eichstätt from 2006 to 2011 in the subjects Medieval History, Latin American History and Older German Literature. Her master's thesis is entitled "The trial of the Templars (1307-1314) Was the annihilation of the Templars a result of the power struggle between Philip the Handsome and the papacy?" Prof. Dr. Gert Melville on the topic "Iberian Franciscanismo in the New World: Investigating the implementation of Franciscan theology in the 16th century in Latin America based on Fray Toribío de Benavente Motolinía." active in German literature. Her main research areas are the history of the Order, Franciscanism in Spain and the history of missions in Latin America.In March 2014 she gave a lecture at the "Franciscan Conference" at Flagler College, Saint Augustine Florida USA on "The Indians and the Mendicants A Study of the First Meeting of the 12 Franciscan Apostles with the Aztecs in Mexico. The religious talk”.
MAXIMILIAN SCHUH, born in Munich in 1979, studied German, history and education in Munich and Edinburgh. After working as a research assistant in the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics in Premodern and Modern Cultures”, he received his doctorate in Medieval History from the University of Münster in 2011. This was followed by positions at the Historical Seminar in Munich and the DFG Graduate College "Expert Cultures" in Göttingen. Since April 2013 he has been a research associate at the Heidelberg Center for the Environment and is working on an environmental history project on England in the 14th century. His dissertation was published in 2013 under the title "Appropriations of Humanism. Institutional and individual practices at the University of Ingolstadt in the 15th century” in the series “Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance”, 47. Recently published: Student Mobilities and Masculinities. The Case of the Empire North of the Alps in the Fifteenth Century, in: Travels and Mobilities in the Middle Ages. From the Atlantic to the Black Sea (International Medieval Research 21), ed. by Marianne O'Doherty/ Felicitas Schmieder, Turnhout 2015, pp. 245-263.
ELISABETH SPITZENBERGER DIPL.-ING. ARCH., born in 1961, completed her architecture studies at the Technical University of Munich and worked in various architectural offices; Deformation-based measurements and building research, e.g. in the former snuff factory in Regensburg (plan attachments in: Fastje/Gieß/Paulus/Schnieringer: From the trading house to the snuff factory, workbook of the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments, Vol. 107, Munich 1999). She has been the local home nurse in Beratzhausen since 2009. Her research focuses on the Stauffers in the 16th century. Lectures and exhibitions: trade and crafts in Beratzhausen, the staffs of the united brotherhoods in Beratzhausen, the Michaelskapelle and the churchyard, Furtmeyr and the Stauffer, the Stauffer in the 16th century. Publications: 750 years of Ehrenfels Castle, in: Die Oberpfalz, 94 (2006), pp. 146-150, highlights from the history of Ehrenfels Castle and lordship, in: Negotiations of the Historical Association for Upper Palatinate and Regensburg 147 (2007), p. 127-135; Veiled Cross, catalog contribution to a bronze relief by Rudolf Koller, in: Art Collections of the Diocese of Regensburg (ed.), Veritas + Vita = Ars, Regensburg 2011, p. 47, from the history of the parish church of St. Peter and Paul, in: 250 years Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul, Catholic Church Foundation of St. Peter and Paul Beratzhausen (ed.). Hemau 2015, pp. 10-49, Argula von Grumbach, lady of the castle in Lenting, in: 50 years of Saint Paul (together with Susanne Greiter), in print.
CHRISTA SYRER, M.A., born in 1988, is a research associate at the Art History Institute of the LMU Munich. She studied art history, archeology and history in Heidelberg, Paris and most recently Munich with a focus on medieval and early modern architecture as well as courtly (residential) culture. In July 2014 she completed her master's degree at the LMU with the thesis "Das Neues Schloss in Ingolstadt. Architectural history and functional structure of a residence of the rich dukes of Bavaria-Landshut”. Publications: The duke's »new veste«: Building activity under Ludwig the Bearded in Ingolstadt in the first half of the 15th century, in: Art History. Open Peer Reviewed Journal, 2013 (urn:nbn:de:bvb:355-kuge-350-4).
MANUEL TEGET-WELZ, born in 1976, studied art history, classical archeology and Christian archeology at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and the LMU Munich.There he received his doctorate with a thesis on Martin Schaffner. The Southern German and Swiss Drawings of the Renaissance in the UB Erlangen” with Prof. Dr. Hans Dickel active. He designed the exhibition “Peter Flötner. Renaissance in Nuremberg”. He is currently a research associate at the Institute for Art History at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and is working on his habilitation on Gregor Erhart. He wrote numerous publications on southern German painting, sculpture and graphics around 1500, including Martin Schaffner. Life and work of an Ulm painter between the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance (= research on the history of the city of Ulm 32). Stuttgart 2008, cat. exh. Peter Flotner. Renaissance in Nuremberg (= publication series of the museums of the city of Nuremberg 5). Edited together with Thomas Schauerte. Petersberg 2014, two essays and various cat. nos., The Cranachs and the portrait art of the Reformation period, in: Exh. Cat. BY MASTER HAND. The Cranach Collection of the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Reims. Edited by Suzanne Greub. Munich 2015, pp. 8–17, Hans Burgkmair. New research on an artist of the German Renaissance (publications of the Central Institute for Art History in Munich, vol. 34). Edited together with Wolfgang Augustyn. Passau 2015. (in preparation).
ULRIKE WÖRNER, born in 1945, studied German and history in Munich and Würzburg. After a year abroad at the Goethe-Institut in Helsinki/Finland, she worked as a teacher. Coming from the peace movement, she was a member of the Bavarian state parliament for the party "Die Grünen" from 1986 to 1990, where she was a member of the cultural-political committee. After completing a second degree in comparative cultural studies at the University of Regensburg, her work today focuses on the areas of cultural history and image research on women's and gender issues. Her dissertation was published in 2010 under the title The checkers in the game. Playing cards as indicators of the change in gender images and gender relations on the threshold of the early modern period by Waxmann in the Regensburger Schriften zur Volkskunde/Vergleichen Kulturwissenschaft series, Vol. 21, published.
CHRISTINE ZENGERLE, born in Lauingen in 1967, is the mother of three adult children and lives in Munich. She studied architecture at the Technical University in Munich between 1986 and 1992 and graduated with a diploma. She completed her pedagogical training in elementary early support in the music department between 2011 and 2013. She teaches woodwind and keyboard instruments at a music school and uses music to bring Bavarian culture to Asian countries. She works full-time as an architect and is the editor of the book “School writes history(s)”. together with dr Susanne Greiter, she designed the exhibition “Ingolstadt in Motion” on behalf of the Ingolstadt City Museum.
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