Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Wehrlin | ABWL & Innovation
ABWL 06 | Corporate Performance Management | 3rd Edition
The economic and social events in companies, organizations, administrations, universities and colleges are essentially determined by the thoughts and actions of numerous people working together. The person or employee represents "the most important capital" of the company. The company management and in particular the strategy-oriented management and team-oriented cooperation of employees at all hierarchical levels increasingly determines the success of companies and institutions. For example, the innovations required to strengthen competitiveness are brought about by the successful cooperation of people....
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Wehrlin | ABWL & Innovation
ABWL 07 | Corporate Performance Management | 1st edition
The economic and social events in companies, organizations, administrations, universities and colleges are essentially determined by the thoughts and actions of numerous people working together. The person or employee represents "the most important capital" of the company. The company management and in particular the strategy-oriented management and team-oriented cooperation of employees at all hierarchical levels increasingly determines the success of companies and institutions. For example, the innovations required to strengthen competitiveness are brought about by the successful cooperation of people....
Fear of Islam is growing in the western world. What are the historical, political, sociocultural and religious perspectives underlying this sense of threat? In particular, the warning signs from Islamic fundamentalists and the failed integration policy of recent years are the subject of controversial discussion in the western world - especially in Germany. This book attempts to provide an answer by looking at developments in the Islamic world itself. This includes, on the one hand, Islamic fundamentalism and Al-Qaeda, but...
Even in the 21st century, depression is still a taboo subject, especially when it comes to male members of our society who are affected by this disease. In the first part of this research work, the clinical picture of depression and its multifactorial, i.e. social, cognitive and psycho(pathological) conditions of origin will be shown on the basis of a specific case. The basis for this is the narrative interview, which was previously conducted with a 26-year-old young man and from...
At the Bilderberg Conferences, representatives of the transatlantic power elite have been discussing the major issues of world politics every year since 1954. To this day, the Bilderberg Group is primarily made a public issue by conspiracy theorists. In the political public, the mass media and science, the event was noted only in rare cases. This article examines the construction of knowledge about the power of the legendary Bilderberg group, which is anchored in the journalistic, political, conspiracy theory and...
At the Bilderberg Conferences, representatives of the transatlantic power elite have been discussing the major issues of world politics every year since 1954. To this day, the Bilderberg Group is primarily made a public issue by conspiracy theorists. In the political public, the mass media and science, the event was noted only in rare cases. This article examines the construction of knowledge about the power of the legendary Bilderberg group, which is anchored in the journalistic, political, conspiracy theory and...
At the Bilderberg Conferences, representatives of the transatlantic power elite have been discussing the major issues of world politics every year since 1954. To this day, the Bilderberg Group is primarily made a public issue by conspiracy theorists. In the political public, the mass media and science, the event was noted only in rare cases. This article examines the construction of knowledge about the power of the legendary Bilderberg group, which is anchored in the journalistic, political, conspiracy theory and...
The concept of postmodernism has become a central concept in the humanities discourse since the 1970s. Together with the term poststructuralism, it describes a departure from the basic intellectual assumptions of modernity. What is often overlooked, however, is that the term has a different meaning in the philosophical context than in the original literary context. While the concept of philosophical postmodernism was constituted in contrast to the ideas of the Enlightenment, the concept of postmodernism was originally used in literature...
With this book you will get to know the E-Bilanz in connection with the SAP software. Strictly speaking, the e-balance sheet is an attachment to the tax return. Tax valuations in the form of balance sheet and income statement data are to be transmitted electronically to the tax authorities. This book is your companion when it comes to issues such as legally required taxonomy, SAP general ledger accounting (classic or new) or e-balance sheet software (SAP standard versus possible add-on...
With this book you will get to know the E-Bilanz in connection with the SAP software. Strictly speaking, the e-balance sheet is an attachment to the tax return. Tax valuations in the form of balance sheet and income statement data are to be transmitted electronically to the tax authorities. This book is your guide when it comes to issues such as legally required taxonomy, SAP general ledger accounting (classic or new) or e-balance sheet software (SAP standard versus possible add-on...
The legal bases are explained in practice for the following areas of business administration: Commercial Law Commercial purchase and contract of sale Corporate law - forms for sole proprietorships Patent Law Trademark Design right Insolvency law Environmental Law This book is primarily aimed at teachers and students of economics and anyone interested in learning about the legal foundations of business administration. It deals with the basics in various areas of law, tailored to the daily work practice in companies. The...
This study report examines the emergency service of public and private ambulance services in Namibia. The structure, allocation and location of the emergency services and the resulting behavior of the population are the focus of the research. The investigation uses a policy analysis to describe and explain the system configuration at the time of the survey and the emergence of the system. To achieve this, the policy cycle as well as the policy network get subjected to a consideration and...