Since the beginning of the reform and opening-up policy, China has confirmed its ability to change through very high economic growth and relatively low inflation rates. The People's Bank of China, as the Chinese central bank, has made an outstanding contribution to economic development through its monetary policy. Due to the different economic and financial structure compared to Western countries, the functioning and logic of Chinese monetary policy is characterized by a number of special features. This book provides an...
The cluster concept is associated with great hopes for growth and the resulting positive employment and income effects at regional level. Due to a concentration of companies and organizations in the same industry, competitive advantages can arise for the local companies, but these do not necessarily have to be permanent. Nevertheless, in anticipation of positive regional development, cluster funding has established itself as a central component of economic policy in recent years. Based on three case studies of the packaging...
For the first time in the history of European integration, the Treaty of Lisbon allows a member country to leave the EU without giving a reason. What consequences could the exit option have? Can it be assumed that the member countries will not consider leaving the EU because EU membership has been so advantageous up to now? Or will the end of the European integration process be heralded with the now explicit option to leave? Could the right to withdraw...
The introduction of a single currency was the political goal pursued on the African continent when the Organization for African Unity was founded in 1963. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the possibility of implementing a single currency in Africa. The economic integration process will be at the center of the debate. i.e. the accent of this present work is not only on the single currency itself, but and much more on the path of integration that leads...
The present book follows the emerged view and growing awareness of the enhancing and discouraging effects in recent years that institutions may play for the female labor force participation. These institutions encompass formal and informal social rules and norms (customs, traditions, codes of conduct). The aim of this work is to examine the effect of several such social institutions (formal and informal constraints) imposed on women, which were provided by the OECD Social Institutions and Development Database (GID) and are...
This book contributes to the empirical literature on poverty, mortality and labor supply in developing countries. Each of the three essays included in this book make use of new household data sets that were collected to innovatively address a well-defined research problem. The first chapter investigates the relationship between undernutrition and child mortality in sub-Sahara Africa and explains why children around Lake Victoria have very low chances to survive up to age 5 despite being extremely wellnourished. The second chapter...
With this book you will get to know the E-Bilanz in connection with the SAP software. Strictly speaking, the e-balance sheet is an attachment to the tax return. Tax valuations in the form of balance sheet and income statement data are to be transmitted electronically to the tax authorities. This book is your companion when it comes to issues such as legally required taxonomy, SAP general ledger accounting (classic or new) or e-balance sheet software (SAP standard versus possible add-on...
With this book you will get to know the E-Bilanz in connection with the SAP software. Strictly speaking, the e-balance sheet is an attachment to the tax return. Tax valuations in the form of balance sheet and income statement data are to be transmitted electronically to the tax authorities. This book is your guide when it comes to issues such as legally required taxonomy, SAP general ledger accounting (classic or new) or e-balance sheet software (SAP standard versus possible add-on...
The legal bases are explained in practice for the following areas of business administration: Commercial Law Commercial purchase and contract of sale Corporate law - forms for sole proprietorships Patent Law Trademark Design right Insolvency law Environmental Law This book is primarily aimed at teachers and students of economics and anyone interested in learning about the legal foundations of business administration. It deals with the basics in various areas of law, tailored to the daily work practice in companies. The...
The demographic change forced Germany and other industrialized countries to bring their pension systems back on a sustainable track. This development has increased the responsibility of each individual regarding old-age income. The affected individuals are forced to intensify their savings to close the increasing gap between public pension income and the standard of living experienced during one's working life. This book investigates several empirical and methodological aspects of households' saving behavior including some in relation to the background of the...
Members of "Generation Y" are highly educated, flexible, demanding - and few and far between. In the "war for talents" it will therefore be crucial as an employer to get into the mindsets of these high potentials and to stay there. Two suitable measures are the HR management disciplines of Employer Branding (EB) and Talent Relationship Management (TRM). Ideally combined. Surprisingly, the topic is still neglected or even completely ignored in the specialist literature. The present work closes this gap....
This book is a collection of three essays contributing to the empirical literature on inequality and female labor force participation in developing countries. The first essay is an extension to the analysis of benefit incidence of public expenditures. Using data for Kenya it shows how different household needs for government services ought to be incorporated into the analysis to get an improved understanding of the distributional implications of public spending. The second essay revisits the hypothesis that female labor force...