Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Wehrlin | ABWL & Innovation
ABWL 06 | Corporate Performance Management | 3rd Edition
The economic and social events in companies, organizations, administrations, universities and colleges are essentially determined by the thoughts and actions of numerous people working together. The person or employee represents "the most important capital" of the company. The company management and in particular the strategy-oriented management and team-oriented cooperation of employees at all hierarchical levels increasingly determines the success of companies and institutions. For example, the innovations required to strengthen competitiveness are brought about by the successful cooperation of people....
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Wehrlin | ABWL & Innovation
ABWL 07 | Corporate Performance Management | 1st edition
The economic and social events in companies, organizations, administrations, universities and colleges are essentially determined by the thoughts and actions of numerous people working together. The person or employee represents "the most important capital" of the company. The company management and in particular the strategy-oriented management and team-oriented cooperation of employees at all hierarchical levels increasingly determines the success of companies and institutions. For example, the innovations required to strengthen competitiveness are brought about by the successful cooperation of people....
The book retail industry is changing. With the rise of the internet and e-books, the stationary book trade is confronted with a precarious situation, which results in numerous business closures and insolvencies year after year. The big retailers Thalia, Mayersche, Hugendubel and Co. have now started to reduce the number of their branches after years of expansion policy. The remaining businesses are evolving more and more from bookstores to media houses, which increasingly offer DVDs, toys and other non-book items....
Time-continuous stochastic processes have been used in numerous financial market models for decades. In this work, important aspects of application - with regard to the estimation of parameters, evaluation of financial market contracts and recording the efficiency of capital markets - are primarily illustrated using selected examples and then possible solutions or explanations are presented. Details Title: Analysis of Financial Market Models Subtitle: Estimation, Pricing, and Efficiency Author: Dr. Balazs Cserna Edition: 1st edition Published: 1st edition 05.09.2011 Subject: Economics...
Company acquisitions are the order of the day in the business world. However, they often do not meet the expectations placed on them. This dissertation focuses on two opposing perspectives that serve to analyze acquisition success or acquisitionfailure: On the one hand, it could be that the management of the acquiring company has possible synergies in mind. On the other hand, there is a risk that management will overestimate its own ability to realize synergies. In this case, there is...
Even 20 years after the fall of the Wall, the phenomenon of east-west migration within Germany is still of great importance. The extent and the selectivity of these migration movements reached unimagined dimensions. Against this background, this thesis analyzes and answers two of the economically relevant questions that arise in this context: the question of the macroeconomic determinants of east-west migration and the question of the future extent of these migration movements. Details Title: East-West migration in reunified Germany Subtitle:...
As a result of the increasing capital requirements of non-listed companies and the continuously increasing investment needs of institutional and private investors, private equity covers a segment of the capital market that has been growing for decades. The private equity companies (PEG) see themselves as active insider investors who take on evaluation and selection functions, transaction execution, support and exit functions in the investment process. The risks associated with this, in particular the issues of portfolio building by PEGs, were...
Gimmler, Karl-Heinz | Gimmler Logistik Stiftung
Volume 1 | Service level agreements in contract logistics
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) have increasingly become a best practice component of logistics contracts. However, there is currently only little empirical knowledge about the actual spread and design of SLAs. This is where the wide-ranging survey of German contract logistics companies, which was initiated together with the Gimmler Logistik Stiftung gGmbH, comes in. Based on the survey results, approaches to optimizing the use of SLAs are worked out from the point of view of the logistics company. The Gimmler Logistik...
This dissertation deals with longer-term relationships between the exchange rates of the world's most traded currencies. The aim here is to uncover common developments in exchange rates using empirical methods and to analyze the causes of these common developments. Initially, explanatory approaches based on traditional macroeconomic exchange rate models are used. Due to the low explanatory content of these traditional models, not only longer-term common developments of exchange rates that are detached from fundamental dynamics are revealed in the following,...
Against the background of the considerable costs of the banking crises in recent economic history, four questions are asked in this thesis: On the one hand, how banking crises arise and, derived from this question, how banking crises can be avoided. On the other hand, how banking crises develop and, derived from this question, how banking crises can be managed. The work consists of three parts: In the first part, banking crises are considered from an economic theory perspective. Building...
The book "Business Administration for Practice" is primarily aimed at teachers and students of economics, as well as anyone who is interested in learning about the basics of business administration in service practice. The focus is on easy comprehensibility, which ensures quick access to the respective subject area. The learning content of the respective chapters is formulated as a question and can thus also be accessed selectively. The explanations are illustrated by numerous practical examples and supplemented by literature recommendations...
Across the wide range of topics in business administration, brief and concise insights are given into the often complicated subject areas that everyone is confronted with consciously or unconsciously on a daily basis. The author would like to contribute to the reader understanding certain connections better in order to then apply newly gained insights in daily work practice. The following organizational basics are explained in relation to practice: Psychology Moderation Time management and self-organization Modern HR Modern Marketing Cost Accounting...