Elektronische Systeme bestimmen maßgeblich die Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft. In Form von Elektrofahrzeugen, regenerativen Energien oder Smartphones begegnet uns die Elektro- und Informationstechnik alltäglich. Die Elektrotechnik umfasst dabei den gesamten Bereich der elektrischen und elektromagnetischen Erscheinungen. Schwerpunkte wie Automatisierungstechnik, Kraftfahrzeugelektronik, Mobilkommunikation oder alternative Energien zeigen dabei, wie weitreichend und bedeutend dieser Forschungsbereich ist. Der jährliche Bedarf an gut ausgebildeten Ingenieuren in Deutschland steigt daher und wird nach aktuellen Studien auf 3000 bis 4000 geschätzt. Runden Sie ihr Wissen als Ingenieur oder Interessent mit Hilfe unseres Literaturportfolios zielgenau ab. Sollten Sie planen, eine eigene Arbeit in diesem Bereich zu publizieren, so helfen wir Ihnen mit unserer Expertise gern weiter.
This book is dedicated to writing pseudocodes that have been tested using the matlab programming language. These pseudocodes are universal and will be implemented in other programming languages. The book starts with the presentation of elementary algorithms, covers linear algebra and matrix based linear optimization algorithms. The goal of this book is to teach algorithms by giving their standard description and providing a mathematical mesure on the research feld of dynamic partial reconguration ( DPR ) and FPGA implementation of...
This book presents new techniques that allow the automatic verification and generation of abstract human-style proofs. The core of this approach builds an efficient calculus that works directly by applying definitions, theorems, and axioms, which reduces the size of the underlying proof object by a factor of ten. The calculus is extended by the deep inference paradigm which allows the application of inference rules at arbitrary depth inside logical expressions and provides new proofs that are exponentially shorter and not...
This work considers the simulation of premixed combustion with regard to the application in stationary gas turbines and future aero engines. With respect to the pollutant reduction of current devices as well as complementary technologies in the context of renewable energies, premixed flames are of increasing importance but exhibit reduced stability properties compared to conventional non-premixed systems. Regarding this, the simulation can provide detailed insight into the physical mechanisms for scientific research as well as help in the design of...
Today, batteries serve as a power supply for almost every electronic device which people carry around or install in locations that have no access to the mains. The longer a battery powered system can operate without need for recharge or battery replacement, the more will maintenance cost and the number of faults due to insufficient power supply decrease. This work considers multiple independent software tasks that are assigned to the same processor. The tasks are supposed to have hard deadlines...
This book studies methods of enhancing both data rates and power efficiencies of analog frontends for high-speed optical communication systems. Performance measures for highspeed broadband circuits and the efficiency of frequency compensation methods are evaluated. Power-efficient speed enhancement such as inductive peaking, feedback and Negative Miller Capacitances, as well as the method of inductive broadband output matching are analyzed in detail. New methods for the design of power-efficient high-speed broadband amplifiers are developed. Circuit design examples intended for use in...