Extensive forests of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) can be found in the southern Kyrgyz Republic. The natural stands of Juglans regia, however, are under uncontrolled human impact. Therefore, an assessment of a population genetic analysis of these forests as well as permanent conservation efforts of managing genetic resources has gained great attention. This book provides a comprehensive population genetic analysis of Persian walnut across its entire geographical range in the southern Kyrgyz Republic. The chapters of this book aim...
Phyto-hormones play critical roles in the coordination of plant growth and development. Generally, plant hormones promote, inhibit, or qualitatively modify plant growth and development. This complex process requires signal transduction, specific information pathways, translating intra- or extra-cellular signals into specific cellular responses within a cell. Auxins represent an important class of plant hormones. Plant growth is regulated by auxin via the regulation of various genes responsible for different metabolic processes in the plant. The impact of toxic heavy metals like...
The World Bank put the concept of vulnerability in the spotlight of poverty research by presenting it in the World Development Report 2000/01 as an important component of combating poverty. The reason for assigning such a prominent position to vulnerability is threefold: It decreases current well-being, it determines future levels of poverty and it may be at the root of long-term hardship. Building on panel data from rural households in Thailand and Vietnam this book contributes to our knowledge and...
This thesis was written in 2008 after six months of field work and data collection in South Africa. It includes a comprehensive literature review on the theory and empirics of the behavioural response to HIV looking at: (1) the relationship between HIV incidence and sexual behaviours; (2) types of evidence resulting from observational studies, randomised controlled trials (RCTs), recent creative social experiments that go beyond conventional RCTs in testing different hypothesis in the field; (3) the socio-economic characteristics of HIV...
Fabrication of ZnO QDs for visible light emission applications, surface modulation for stability in dispersions and defect control at the surface is vitally important. Therefore long alkyl chain group (e.g. oleate) and biological molecule cysteine were used together with sol-gel chemistry as vectors to regulate reactivity of the ZnO QDs and their visible light emission. Additionally, using different ligand concentrations and reaction conditions, semiconductor nanostructures of unusual geometrical shapes were synthesized and characterized. Hexagonal crystal growing habit of ZnO provided...
How can a tool for analysing history textbooks be developed from sociocultural theory? How can such a tool be applied to a sample of ten grade 11 South African history textbook chapters, which deal with the history of race and racism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? This volume explores the theoretical development and practical application of a five-dimensional model for history textbook analysis. It draws on interdisciplinary concepts such as higher order mental functions, empathy, author positioning,...
Cities in the Global South grow fast. Infrastructure struggles to keep up with the growth. At a certain point it fails. The population of a fast growing city needs food. Therefore a close look at urban and peri-urban agriculture is necessary to provide it even if infrastructure might collapse. This book investigates the livestock production and marketing, its chances and obstacles in a fast growing city in Northern Ghana. Details Titel: THE COW EATS THE CHAMELEON Untertitel: Urban and peri-urban...
The past decade has seen the emergence of a particular sales and distribution model in which companies that manufacture products and sell them directly through proprietary distribution channels open these channels to third parties and often even to competitor products. One of the industries to pioneer this model has been financial services, where the approach is referred to as an “open architecture” offering. The author’s research investigates if and how customer reactions are affected when a company sells third-party products...
Nowadays it is vital for companies to offer their products all over the world in order to be successful. The economic rise of emerging markets such as China, India or the Middle East increases the importance of those new customer segments, as their contribution towards the companies profits continuously grow. To further exploit the potential of emerging markets, it is important to understand how to acquire and retain those cultural different customers. Existing but scarce academic literature in Variety Seeking...
Corresponding to the saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth" political decision-making is a challenging issue, especially when more than one party is involved. In the common opinion, political fragmentation either in parliament or in government slows down the legislative process and causes reform blockades. Whether too many cooks are really the source of these drawbacks is questionable as many other factors such as compensation payments, strategies and social norms are also connected with the process of decision-making and the...
Seit der Formulierung des 30-ha-Ziels im Rahmen der »Nationalen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie« Jahre 2002 haben die Themen »Landschaftsverbrauch« und »Flächensparen« in Deutschland deutlich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dieses Buch stellt das Instrument der Handelbaren Flächenausweisungsrechte vor, mit dem eine deutlich reduzierte Siedlungsentwicklung und der Schutz von Freiflächen erreicht werden könnte. Drei in Deutsch und zwei in Englisch verfasste Papiere geben Antworten auf eine Reihe wichtiger umweltökonomischer Fragen, die im Zusammenhang mit einer erfolgreichen Handelseinführung stehen. Wie muss der Handel ausgestaltet werden, um das...
As one of the hotspots of the world in the last decade of the 1990s the Western Balkans required energetic Western engagement designed primarily to settle the conflicts and then to guide the nations in the region in creating and sustaining democratic political institutions which were expected to cushion intra-national tensions and to serve to the normalization of inter-state relations. However, despite almost two-decade-long Western guidance, assistance and conditionality, as many experts point out, the Western Balkans is still an...