

The research field of psychology is growing in popularity as people become increasingly interested in their mental well-being and the causes of mental health problems. This branch of science includes various areas, all of which have a certain influence on us. Psychology is relevant to work, marketing, interpersonal relationships, emotional and physical health and illness, and much more. Browse through the category and find the right literature for your research project or private reading pleasure. Would you also like to publish your work, dissertation, thesis, non-fiction book or reference book in the field of psychology? Then send us your manuscript and benefit from our many years of experience in publishing sophisticated, expressive and media-effective specialist literature.

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Strack, Dr. Micha | Reihe Psychologie

Value-oriented customer analysis in gastronomy

Accurately assessing customer requests and their expectations - this is of particular importance in a time of strong competitive markets. This is exactly where a careful analysis of the individual values ​​of customers can be helpful. Because: Values ​​have a lasting influence on our everyday thoughts and actions – including consumer behavior. This book explains the extent to which different values ​​and customer-specific characteristics can influence consumer behavior. The basis for this is the international research on human values ​​by...


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