Mendi, Jasmine

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 items

Even in the 21st century, depression is still a taboo subject, especially when it comes to male members of our society who are affected by this disease. In the first part of this research work, the clinical picture of depression and its multifactorial, i.e. social, cognitive and psycho(pathological) conditions of origin will be shown on the basis of a specific case. The basis for this is the narrative interview, which was previously conducted with a 26-year-old young man and from...


Empirical, i.e. qualitative social research has set itself the task of reconstructing biographical processing patterns of learning processes, in the sense of concrete actions and statements, between social groups/institutions and the individual himself. The focus of interest is always the human being himself, with his individual experiences, his subjective and selective perception as well as his interpersonal interaction. In addition, overall social contexts are analyzed in order to be able to draw conclusions about the interrelationship between society and social...


Depression is still a taboo subject even in the 21st century, although theoretically it can affect anyone. Especially when it comes to men who are affected by this disease. The image of a man suffering from depression contradicts the ideas of a performance-oriented society. External factors such as bullying, stress, social isolation, separation in general can be triggers for depression. In the first part of this work, the clinical picture of depression and its multifactorial development conditions are to be...
