Linden, Victor

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 items

Linden, Victor

Unions on the Move | 2nd Edition

The unions are at a crossroads. Although the much-cited crisis of the trade unions does not endanger their existence, it does require a decision regarding their function and their understanding of their role. The decision is: Do the unions accept the new balance of power between labor and capital and assume the role of a pragmatic companion to modernization, relying on derived power as an ordering factor, which is still granted to them by capital and the state? Do the...


Linden, Victor

Unions on the Move | 1st edition

The unions are at a crossroads. Although the much-cited crisis of the trade unions does not endanger their existence, it does require a decision regarding their function and their understanding of their role. The decision is: Do the unions accept the new balance of power between labor and capital and assume the role of a pragmatic companion to modernization, relying on derived power as an ordering factor, which is still granted to them by capital and the state? Do the...


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