The educational success of learners is indisputably closely related to healthy, motivated teachers: the health of everyone involved in the teaching process promotes the quality of schools. In occupational medicine, there is an increasing impression that teachers, in particular, often describe themselves as burned out. The aim of the work is to develop a survey instrument in the context of health promotion for teachers, with which an individual resource use profile for maintaining and promoting health can be created. If...
Although the Haiti revolution only rarely emerges from the oversized shadow of the French Revolution in the Eurocentric consciousness, it nevertheless marks a turning point of world-historical importance. As the only successful slave revolution in history, it put a bloody end to European rule on the Antilles island and created the second independent state in the New World after the USA. Based on the diary of a British officer who took part in the battles for the Pearl of the...
In Wilde's works, especially the art-theoretical essays, aptly summarized under the title Intentions, his desire for tolerance and artistic freedom runs through. This claim to autonomy for the art sphere is based on philosophical studies written a century earlier by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment. Kant analyzes the specificity of aesthetic experience and distinguishes it from theoretical knowledge and morality, emphasizing its freedom from purpose and thus paving the way for the autonomy of the beautiful. This final...
"There is no end to the making of many books!" This quote from Ecclesiastes 12 could be used to comment on the appearance of new literature on Cologne during World War II. However, it does not apply to the time of the First World War. A detailed description of this part of Cologne's history has so far been missing - although a book about Düsseldorf during the First World War was already available in 1927. This study aims to fill...
Coal has been mined and extracted worldwide for some time. This raw material, which has been described as the engine of industrialization, is mainly used for power generation and steel production and gives countries with sufficient reserves an important position in the world economy by being able to produce their own energy. Germany is one of the countries with the highest coal reserves in the world. RAG Deutsche Steinkohle is part of the RAG Aktiengesellschaft group of companies and is...
Refugees face social and legal rejection in Germany. The reason for this lies in the attempt to deport asylum seekers and tolerated persons - despite years of residence in Germany - instead of integrating them. This exclusion from the German host society has a major impact on the labor market opportunities of refugees. This thesis uses interviews with employers to show what influence "equal access" to the labor market has on the employment opportunities for many refugees and those with...
Although the Haiti revolution only rarely emerges from the oversized shadow of the French Revolution in the Eurocentric consciousness, it nevertheless marks a turning point of world-historical importance. As the only successful slave revolution in history, it put a bloody end to European rule on the Antilles island and created the second independent state in the New World after the USA. Based on the diary of a British officer who took part in the battles for the Pearl of the...
Utopia is a flight of imagination and intellect. In utopian societies, the problems of human society are solved: social injustice, exploitation and institutionalized inequality are unknown to them. Only here, it seems, can man live the true community, as formulated by the young Marx. This study tries to show a basic pattern of utopian designs: the vita communis idea, i.e. the ideal of communal life in general equality, as it is the basis of monastic communities in particular. A comparison...
Utopia is a flight of imagination and intellect. In utopian societies, the problems of human society are solved: social injustice, exploitation and institutionalized inequality are unknown to them. Only here, it seems, can man live the true community, as formulated by the young Marx. This study tries to show a basic pattern of utopian designs: the vita communis idea, i.e. the ideal of communal life in general equality, as it is the basis of monastic communities in particular. A comparison...
In the spring of 1728 the international situation was characterized by alarming instability, so that many contemporaries expected the outbreak of a pan-European war. Problems such as the question of the suspension of the Imperial Ostend Company, the restitution of Gibraltar and Menorca, and the establishment of a Spanish secundogeniture in Italy turned Europe into a powder keg about to explode. Nevertheless, in June 1728, the diplomats of Europe gathered in the French episcopal city of Soissons to negotiate a...
Terrorism first became a mass phenomenon in the Russian Revolution of 1905. The organization of the Social Revolutionary Maximalists, which at one time had more than 1000 members, introduced new tactics and techniques in the militant struggle against autocracy. During that time, terrorism became what it is today. Based on archival sources, the book tells the full story of this terrorist organization for the first time in a western language. It is recommended to all those who are interested in...