In Wilde's works, especially the art-theoretical essays, aptly summarized under the title Intentions, his desire for tolerance and artistic freedom runs through. This claim to autonomy for the art sphere is based on philosophical studies written a century earlier by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment. Kant analyzes the specificity of aesthetic experience and distinguishes it from theoretical knowledge and morality, emphasizing its freedom from purpose and thus paving the way for the autonomy of the beautiful. This final...
Coal has been mined and extracted worldwide for some time. This raw material, which has been described as the engine of industrialization, is mainly used for power generation and steel production and gives countries with sufficient reserves an important position in the world economy by being able to produce their own energy. Germany is one of the countries with the highest coal reserves in the world. RAG Deutsche Steinkohle is part of the RAG Aktiengesellschaft group of companies and is...
Refugees face social and legal rejection in Germany. The reason for this lies in the attempt to deport asylum seekers and tolerated persons - despite years of residence in Germany - instead of integrating them. This exclusion from the German host society has a major impact on the labor market opportunities of refugees. This thesis uses interviews with employers to show what influence "equal access" to the labor market has on the employment opportunities for many refugees and those with...