Economy and society are placing increasingly higher expectations on people. At the same time, more and more people feel compelled to push the limits of their own capabilities, both at work and in their free time. It is often not possible to permanently meet the high expectations. Many of those affected "burn out internally" and suffer over time from the consequences of burn-out syndrome (about 25% of workers). They often find themselves overwhelmed and, over time, exhibit dangerous symptoms. Typical...
Economy and society are placing increasingly higher expectations on people. At the same time, more and more people feel compelled to push the limits of their own capabilities, both at work and in their free time. It is often not possible to permanently meet the high expectations. Many of those affected "burn out internally" and suffer over time from the consequences of burn-out syndrome (about 25% of workers). They often find themselves overwhelmed and, over time, exhibit dangerous symptoms. Typical...