Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Volume 12 | LegalTech: Curse or blessing for the legal profession?
The present 12th volume of the publication series of the Hessian Lawyers' Foundation is based on a student essay competition advertised by the foundation in 2020 on the topic "LegalTech: Curse or blessing for the legal profession? If law is automated - what does that mean for the profession of lawyer?” Christian Solmecke, LL.M., Managing Director of the cloud-based law firm management software Legalvisio and one of the most distinguished lawyers in the field of digitization, selected the works collected...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Band 13 | Englisch, Gender-Deutsch oder Maschinen-Code – Brauchen wir eine neue Rechtssprache?
Das Medium des Rechts ist seine Sprache: Ohne Wörter und Sätze kein Paragraph und kein Gesetzbuch, kein anwaltlicher Schriftsatz und kein richterliches Urteil. Die Juristerei ist im Kern ein Kampf um Begriffe. Der diesjährigen Aufsatzwettbewerb lädt dazu ein, Rechtssprache einmal aus einer anderen Perspektive zu betrachten: In welcher Sprache sollen Gesetze formuliert sein? Mit welcher Sprache sollen Juristen Recht denken, finden und sprechen? Konkret: Ist die Rechtsprache eine Fachsprache, die nur Eingeweihten zugänglich ist und sein soll? Oder können und...
Dr. Mark C. Hilgard | Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft
Band 14 | Ziviler Ungehorsam im 21. Jahrhundert
Manche Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb einer Zivilgesellschaft werden schnell sehr emotional geführt und ziviler Ungehorsam wird als probates und/oder (einzig?) effektives Mittel zum Erreichen oder zur Abwehr bestimmter Ziele angesehen. Hierfür stehen etwa die „68er“, „Brokdorf“, „Gorleben“, „Hambacher Forst“, „Black Lives Matter“, „Fridays for Future“ und ganz aktuell die Aktionen der „Letzten Generation“. Personen mit unterschiedlichen Wertvorstellungen begegnen sich nicht nur friedlich und unvoreingenommen im Diskurs. Die Grenzen des Rechtsstaats werden ausgetestet. Doch wo verlaufen sie? Wahrnehmung berechtigter Interessen durch friedliche Sitzblockade...
Although case law has been dealing with the conformity of German inheritance tax law with European law for twenty years, this topic is regularly overshadowed in the literature by the analysis of income tax law. The author therefore deals fundamentally with the compatibility of inheritance tax law with Union law and the relevant provisions of the European treaties. The first part of the work deals with the general requirements of European law that the legislator has to observe in inheritance...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Kölner Schriften zum Friedenssicherungsrecht
Volume 4 | Private military and security companies in international law
Private military and security companies (PMSUs) like Blackwater (now Xe Services, now Academi) have increasingly participated in military operations for over twenty years. Such companies operate all over the world. The range of clients is correspondingly wide: in addition to states, individual armed groups, private companies, the United Nations and other international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the International Committee of the Red Cross also use the services of PMSU. The military services provided by private companies in such operations range...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Kölner Schriften zum Friedenssicherungsrecht
Volume 5 | 10 years working group on international criminal law - birthday gifts from science and practice
The working group on international criminal law was founded in 2005. It offers a forum for the exchange of ideas between German-speaking international criminal law experts from practice and academia. The working group meets once a year. Details Title: 10 years working group on international criminal law Subtitle: Birthday gifts from science and practice Author: Prof. Dr. Claus Kress Series: Cologne writings on peacekeeping law Edition: 1st edition Band: 5 Publisher: Prof. Dr. Claus Kress Released: 1st edition 04/27/2015 Subject:...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Kölner Schriften zum Friedenssicherungsrecht
Volume 7 | The Crime of Aggression and the Participation Model of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
After some of the major war criminals of the 20th century had been prosecuted for crimes against peace before the International Military Tribunals in Nuremberg and Tokyo after World War II, the so-called 'mother of all crimes' vanished from the international scene just as quickly as it had appeared before. This suggested that the conviction of high-ranking state officials for the illegitimate use of force against other countries would remain a one-off event in the history of mankind. It was...
Recently, technical supervision has become significantly more important. The reasons for this include the increasing shifting of non-ministerial tasks to subordinate authorities, the privatization of public tasks and the frequent interdepartmental cooperation between ministries. Ultimately, official technical supervision is increasingly proving to be a management and control instrument in the field of public administration. The author carries out a comprehensive systematization of the technical supervision in the currently existing system, but at the same time shows ways to a new...
The problem of publicity when assigning chattels as security is as old as the assignment itself. The loan collateral, which is often used in practice, seems to function smoothly for the most part. A closer look, however, reveals a number of weaknesses and dogmatic distortions due to the lack of publicity. Last but not least, the German security assignment must also be able to be measured in an international perspective. It is precisely here that Germany is largely isolated with...
The dissertation is dedicated to case law on the law of endowment life insurance, which is in constant change and further development, and addresses the implications for individual and collective interests of policyholders resulting from this case law. The theoretical foundations of individual and collective interests presented in endowment life insurance and shown why there is a tension between interests and how the anticipatory legislator tries to resolve this tension. Subsequently, on the basis of four main topics, the case...
The subject of the dissertation is the admissibility of restricting the office of insolvency administrator to natural persons in accordance with Section 56 InsO and the resulting exclusion of legal entities from the office of insolvency administrator. Since insolvency administration has developed into an independent profession and is often carried out by large administration companies with teams of lawyers, tax consultants and auditors, the statutory exclusion of legal entities from the office of insolvency administrator is in practice often only...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Kölner Schriften zum Friedenssicherungsrecht
The Contribution of the Special Court for Sierra Leone to International Criminal Law
The Special Court for Sierra Leone was established in Freetown, Sierra Leone in 2002 after eleven years of civil war. It is part of an international strategy to overcome impunity for international crimes and leaves a great legacy with its extremely multifaceted case law. He was given worldwide attention in particular by the condemnation of the then incumbent head of state of Liberia, Charles Taylor. The author appreciates the case law in the light of the overall development of international...