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The past decade has seen the emergence of a particular sales and distribution model in which companies that manufacture products and sell them directly through proprietary distribution channels open these channels to third parties and often even to competitor products. One of the industries to pioneer this model has been financial services, where the approach is referred to as an “open architecture” offering. The author's research investigates if and how customer reactions are affected when a company sells third-party products...


Time-continuous stochastic processes have been used in numerous financial market models for decades. In this work, important aspects of application - with regard to the estimation of parameters, evaluation of financial market contracts and recording the efficiency of capital markets - are primarily illustrated using selected examples and then possible solutions or explanations are presented. Details Title: Analysis of Financial Market Models Subtitle: Estimation, Pricing, and Efficiency Author: Dr. Balazs Cserna Edition: 1st edition Published: 1st edition 05.09.2011 Subject: Economics...


The demographic change forced Germany and other industrialized countries to bring their pension systems back on a sustainable track. This development has increased the responsibility of each individual regarding old-age income. The affected individuals are forced to intensify their savings to close the increasing gap between public pension income and the standard of living experienced during one's working life. This book investigates several empirical and methodological aspects of households' saving behavior including some in relation to the background of the...


This book contributes to the empirical literature on poverty, mortality and labor supply in developing countries. Each of the three essays included in this book make use of new household data sets that were collected to innovatively address a well-defined research problem. The first chapter investigates the relationship between undernutrition and child mortality in sub-Sahara Africa and explains why children around Lake Victoria have very low chances to survive up to age 5 despite being extremely wellnourished. The second chapter...


Since the formulation of the 30-ha target as part of the »National Sustainability Strategy« in 2002, the topics »land use« and »land saving« have gained in importance in Germany. This book presents the instrument of tradable land designation rights, with which a significantly reduced settlement development and the protection of open spaces could be achieved. Three papers, written in German and two in English, provide answers to a number of important environmental economic questions related to a successful commercial launch....


Whatever career you choose, a qualification in Business Studies will stand you in good stead. If you are going to get ahead, you need to understand the language of that discipline. Management English Intelligence is a sterling way to polish your Business English credentials. It cuts through the unnecessary details to give a clear insight into the modern language of Management and Business English. Management concepts are explained succinctly with essential vocabulary and expressions presented in context. The user of...


Corresponding to the saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth" political decision-making is a challenging issue, especially when more than one party is involved. In the common opinion, political fragmentation either in parliament or in government slows down the legislative process and causes reform blockades. Whether too many cooks are really the source of these drawbacks is questionable as many other factors such as compensation payments, strategies and social norms are also connected with the process of decision-making and the...
