social science

social science

Due to their interdisciplinary character, the social sciences cover a thematically very broad spectrum of literature that includes all social aspects. The core areas include above all sociology, social history, demography and social policy. The thematic focal points are the social question in the historical sense and social change in the modern sense. In this department you will find socio-critical specialist literature from all areas of the social sciences - for study and work. Would you like to publish your work in the field of social sciences? Then send us your manuscript and benefit from our many years of experience in publishing sophisticated specialist literature.

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 items

Iskam, Dr. Andreas

Emergency Service of Private and Public Rescue Services in Namibia

This study report examines the emergency service of public and private ambulance services in Namibia. The structure, allocation and location of the emergency services and the resulting behavior of the population are the focus of the research. The investigation uses a policy analysis to describe and explain the system configuration at the time of the survey and the emergence of the system. To achieve this, the policy cycle as well as the policy network get subjected to a consideration and...


Dirinpur, Jasmin

Social barriers to effective HIV prevention. Stigma, peer pressure and the role of soccer-based programs in South Africa

This thesis was written in 2008 after six months of field work and data collection in South Africa. It includes a comprehensive literature review on the theory and empirics of the behavioral response to HIV looking at: (1) the relationship between HIV incidence and sexual behaviors; (2) types of evidence resulting from observational studies, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), recent creative social experiments that go beyond conventional RCTs in testing different hypothesis in the field; (3) the socio-economic characteristics of HIV...


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