Law, economics, social sciences

Law, economics, social sciences

In the digital age, the legal, economic and social relationships between states, companies, organizations and individuals are more intertwined than ever due to globalization and are subject to constant change. In this category you will find numerous publications and outstanding quality work on a wide range of topics. Sophisticated, up-to-date, critical and research-relevant specialist literature for study and work. From academics for academics and decision-makers of tomorrow - read for yourself! Would you also like to publish your work, dissertation, thesis or specialist book in the field of law, economics or social sciences? Then send us your manuscript and benefit from our many years of experience in publishing sophisticated, expressive and media-effective specialist literature.

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Zeyrek, Dr. Can

Vol 1 | Laboratory Western Balkans

As one of the hotspots of the world in the last decade of the 1990s the Western Balkans required energetic Western engagement designed primarily to settle the conflicts and then to guide the nations in the region in creating and sustaining democratic political institutions which were expected to cushion intra-national tensions and to serve to the normalization of inter-state relations. However, despite almost two-decade-long Western guidance, assistance and conditionality, as many experts point out, the Western Balkans is still an...


Allhoff, Steffen W.

Global Rapa Nui? Peace and security in the face of climate change

In recent years, the effects of climate change have become the most important political issue that not only affects the ecological movement, but has long since moved onto the agenda of geopolitics - because nothing is more important than security and peace itself."Climate change is a potential threat to global peace. The book and the authors remind us that we must finally act together before it's too late is." Marcus Seyfarth, Chairman of the Foreign and Security Policy Study Groups e.V."The...


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