physics and astronomy
On the basis of theoretical considerations and experiments, human society has attempted to capture the phenomena of the world around us using universal, mathematically formulatable laws. Physics offers the basic building blocks for many scientific and engineering disciplines. It deals with the smallest particles up to the largest structures of the entire cosmos through astrophysics and astronomy. Use our collection of specialist literature to gain insight into axioms, research approaches and the universe around you. If you are interested in publishing your own scientific work, please contact us.
A tiny mathematical bottleneck (2 precisely calculated primary numbers) as the inevitable prerequisite for the formation of atomic matter becomes at the same time a wormhole into previously inaccessible, mysterious depths of the micro- and macrocosm. In addition to various answers to questions that are still open, a wealth of unknown things is revealed. In agreement with the results of experimental research, but not always with the ideas of current theories and models. Made possible by thinking that frees itself...
Similar to how the number pi or Euler's constant e determine mathematics, fundamental natural constants mark the scales of the natural sciences. In contrast to mathematics, the origin of the fundamental natural constants is still a matter of controversy. This book presents a new perspective by means of a few axioms and, by comparing it with experimental data, establishes the resulting truth content. Through the axiomatic approach, the mysterious Sommerfeld fine structure constant and the Dirac cosmic number are defined...
Similar to how the number pi or Euler's constant e determine mathematics, fundamental natural constants mark the scales of the natural sciences. In contrast to mathematics, the origin of the fundamental natural constants is still a matter of controversy. This book presents a new perspective by means of a few axioms and, by comparing it with experimental data, establishes the resulting truth content. Through the axiomatic approach, the mysterious Sommerfeld fine structure constant and the Dirac cosmic number are defined...