physics and astronomy
On the basis of theoretical considerations and experiments, human society has attempted to capture the phenomena of the world around us using universal, mathematically formulatable laws. Physics offers the basic building blocks for many scientific and engineering disciplines. It deals with the smallest particles up to the largest structures of the entire cosmos through astrophysics and astronomy. Use our collection of specialist literature to gain insight into axioms, research approaches and the universe around you. If you are interested in publishing your own scientific work, please contact us.
Since the beginning of space travel, an enormous amount of man-made garbage has accumulated in space, so-called space debris. This scrap poses an ever-increasing threat to satellites and spacecraft. Even centimeter-sized particles can develop destructive force in a collision with a satellite. The space-based detection of space debris was defined as the secondary objective of DLR's astronomical mission AsteroidFinder, the primary objective of which is to detect near-Earth asteroids. The space-based observation has the advantage that no atmosphere can interfere...
The current work investigates two fundamental problems of small molecule organic solar cells (OSC): transparent top contacts and alternative donor materials. Transparent top contacts are a prerequisite for inverted, i.e. top-illuminated OSC on opaque substrates. This work documents that transparent, ultra-thin metal films are a possible solution to this challenge. It is shown that silver or gold layers with thicknesses Three diindenoperylene derivatives are introduced as green donor materials. Although these experiments are still at a very early stage, OSC...
The dissertation will address the concept of a proto-universe that combines a steady state model of universe creation with multiple nucleogenesis events. Based on observable data of many large scale structures found in the universe that are older than the 13.7 billion years given for the big bang model of the birth of the universe. Details Title: An Architecture for an Ur-Universe Subtitle: Sequential Universal Events Author: Dr. Bradley S.Tice Edition: 1st edition University: Northwestern International University Published: 1st edition...