Science, Mathematics, Computer Science

Science, Mathematics, Computer Science

In the category computer science, mathematics and natural sciences you will find literature from the fields of mathematics, computer science, physics & astronomy, chemistry, geosciences, biology, biochemistry, molecular biology & genetic engineering, as well as agricultural and forestry sciences. Sophisticated, up-to-date, critical and research-relevant specialist literature for study and work. From academics for academics and decision-makers of tomorrow - read for yourself! If you also want to publish your work, dissertation, bachelor thesis, master thesis or textbook in the field of mathematics, computer science or natural sciences, then contact us.

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The max-cut problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem defined on undirected weighted graphs. It consists in finding a subset of the graph's nodes such that the aggregate weight of the edges between the subset and its complement is maximized. This book deals with a new separation approach to be used within a branch-and-cut algorithm for solving max-cut problems to optimality. The method is based on graph contraction and allows the fast separation of so-called odd-cycle inequalities. In addition, we...
