

Are you interested in technical innovations or do you want to expand your knowledge in order to achieve your personal goals as effectively and automatically as possible? Go with the spirit of the times and discover pioneering technology and approaches to the latest problems in the field of engineering. In this engineering category you will find literature from the fields of mechanical engineering & process engineering, electrical engineering & information technology, mining & metallurgy, and architecture & construction. It is demanding, practice-oriented and scientifically relevant research literature for studies, teaching and work. If you also want to publish your work, dissertation, bachelor thesis, master thesis or technical book in the field of engineering as a single publication or in a series of publications, then contact us - we will be happy to advise you!

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ver the past decades, a world without private vehicles and the associated individualization of mobility has become more and more unimaginable for the very most of us. The worldwide quantity of vehicles running with a combustion engine still keeps on growing to numbers far beyond belief, but equally do the problems, provoked by this evolution - political, economical and environmental problems that show our overall dependency on petroleum. Can the electric vehicle become an acceptable solution for the future of...
