The crudely funny clown, the quick-witted Kasper, the violent Punch or the melancholic Pierrot - as playwrights, H. C. Artmann, Konrad Bayer and Gerhard Rühm staged one 'funny' character after the other in their mini-plays from the 50s and 60s . What is it all about when 'hanswurst' is having sexual fun on stage, when 'kasper' causes unrest in the midst of the military or police, when 'punch' curses at the audience and throws his child out of the window,...
In her work, the author first presented the essentials of the theory, empiricism and method of Maria Montessori and Emmi Pikler. In the practical part, she shows how these methods are used today, based on observations in a crèche and an interview with a kindergarten teacher. The work is therefore interesting for educators, but also for parents who have children in institutions that work according to Montessori and/or Pikler. In the final part, the connection is made between the theory...