Especially in Germany, where the conversation about terror and Islamist extremism is part of everyday media life, well-founded works on Islamism in the northern Caucasus based on comprehensive knowledge of sources are in demand, but hardly available - the public discourse is essentially based on obvious stereotypes and unscientific generalization. The young scientist Christian Paul Osthold is trying to overcome this desideratum. Osthold presents the genesis of the Islamist-tinged separatist movements in Chechnya as a dynamic and cumulative process; Based...
According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), around 5 million people in Germany are exposed to harmful noise at their workplace, which in many cases leads to secondary diseases. But would we also think of the profession of a teacher with such a statement? The maximum values recommended for mental activity according to DIN are 35 to 45 dB(A); in fact, noise levels of up to 80 dB were measured in school classes. However, these physical measured values...
Development cooperation, consisting of the entirety of private and public sponsoring organizations, is subject more than ever to the change of globalization and is under international pressure. Against this background, Austria's development cooperation policy is also increasingly being criticized. The lack of harmonization of development cooperation among donor countries and Western institutions and the increasing bureaucracy of development cooperation in priority countries in Africa are among the greatest challenges to which answers and solutions must be found. This work shows...
The concepts of the state and state system have always determined the formation of theories in international relations. Under the rapid pressure to change from diverse globalization processes, both concepts are currently reaching the limits of their ability to explain, even becoming an obstacle to knowledge. This study is therefore dedicated to both a decidedly historical presentation of the development of the state and the state system and a reconstruction of the theory of the English school. In the context...
The book deals with the current topic of consumer protection in the case of a choice-of-law clause in e-commerce. A special focus is placed on the relevant provisions of the Rome I Regulation, which came into force in Germany on December 17th, 2009. A practical example, which is included at the appropriate places, serves to clarify and understand the legal explanations, even for non-lawyers. The relevance of the topic for corporate practice and how to deal with it becomes clear...