Infestation with the insect pest is a major problem associated with producing, storing and marketing of grains. Microwave and radio frequency are emerging as safe alternatives to chemical methods, eliminating chemical residue and minimizing the grain damage. The present study was performed to investigate the efficiency of microwave and radio frequency in controlling life stages of Sitophilus zeamais in maize grains with different initial moisture contents at various temperatures and holding times. The results indicated that there is a possibility...
This book presents new techniques that allow the automatic verification and generation of abstract human-style proofs. The core of this approach builds an efficient calculus that works directly by applying definitions, theorems, and axioms, which reduces the size of the underlying proof object by a factor of ten. The calculus is extended by the deep inference paradigm which allows the application of inference rules at arbitrary depth inside logical expressions and provides new proofs that are exponentially shorter and not...
Company acquisitions are the order of the day in the business world. However, they often do not meet the expectations placed on them. This dissertation focuses on two opposing perspectives that serve to analyze acquisition success or acquisitionfailure: On the one hand, it could be that the management of the acquiring company has possible synergies in mind. On the other hand, there is a risk that management will overestimate its own ability to realize synergies. In this case, there is...
Even 20 years after the fall of the Wall, the phenomenon of east-west migration within Germany is still of great importance. The extent and the selectivity of these migration movements reached unimagined dimensions. Against this background, this thesis analyzes and answers two of the economically relevant questions that arise in this context: the question of the macroeconomic determinants of east-west migration and the question of the future extent of these migration movements. Details Title: East-West migration in reunified Germany Subtitle:...
This dissertation deals with longer-term relationships between the exchange rates of the world's most traded currencies. The aim here is to uncover common developments in exchange rates using empirical methods and to analyze the causes of these common developments. Initially, explanatory approaches based on traditional macroeconomic exchange rate models are used. Due to the low explanatory content of these traditional models, not only longer-term common developments of exchange rates that are detached from fundamental dynamics are revealed in the following,...
Although case law has been dealing with the conformity of German inheritance tax law with European law for twenty years, this topic is regularly overshadowed in the literature by the analysis of income tax law. The author therefore deals fundamentally with the compatibility of inheritance tax law with Union law and the relevant provisions of the European treaties. The first part of the work deals with the general requirements of European law that the legislator has to observe in inheritance...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Kölner Schriften zum Friedenssicherungsrecht
Volume 4 | Private military and security companies in international law
Private military and security companies (PMSUs) like Blackwater (now Xe Services, now Academi) have increasingly participated in military operations for over twenty years. Such companies operate all over the world. The range of clients is correspondingly wide: in addition to states, individual armed groups, private companies, the United Nations and other international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the International Committee of the Red Cross also use the services of PMSU. The military services provided by private companies in such operations range...
Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß | Kölner Schriften zum Friedenssicherungsrecht
Volume 7 | The Crime of Aggression and the Participation Model of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
After some of the major war criminals of the 20th century had been prosecuted for crimes against peace before the International Military Tribunals in Nuremberg and Tokyo after World War II, the so-called 'mother of all crimes' vanished from the international scene just as quickly as it had appeared before. This suggested that the conviction of high-ranking state officials for the illegitimate use of force against other countries would remain a one-off event in the history of mankind. It was...
Against the background of the considerable costs of the banking crises in recent economic history, four questions are asked in this thesis: On the one hand, how banking crises arise and, derived from this question, how banking crises can be avoided. On the other hand, how banking crises develop and, derived from this question, how banking crises can be managed. The work consists of three parts: In the first part, banking crises are considered from an economic theory perspective. Building...
In many German districts, the integration of low-skilled workers into the labor market is becoming a business and economic challenge. Deficits in formal schooling and vocational training require company-based learning efforts in order to acquire professional skills and thus ensure the employability of workers in the long term. Using the example of the district of Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony, whose positive labor market development is considered a success story, especially for low and medium-skilled workers, four companies were selected that...
The present study attempts to contribute to research into the effective factors of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). EMDR is a well-studied and effective method for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the effective factors of which have not yet been clearly clarified. With this book, eye movements are derived directly from the EOG (electrooculogram) during an EMDR-typical setting for the first time. In addition, cortical processes such as activation, interhemispheric activation differences, and remembering and reappraisal are...
Since the beginning of the reform and opening-up policy, China has confirmed its ability to change through very high economic growth and relatively low inflation rates. The People's Bank of China, as the Chinese central bank, has made an outstanding contribution to economic development through its monetary policy. Due to the different economic and financial structure compared to Western countries, the functioning and logic of Chinese monetary policy is characterized by a number of special features. This book provides an...